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NonTechieNeedsToKnow 11-12-2015 10:15 AM

Is safe and reliable?
Our computers are slow and frustrating (HP desktop and Toshiba laptops). We use Microsoft Essentials and perform disk scans and cleanup regularly but don't really see a difference.

The commercials for PCMatic are tempting. Are they trustworthy?

Is there a better way to keep our computers running properly?


lordsmurf 11-12-2015 10:34 AM

That site is a scam.

What exactly is "slow" about the computer?
Most slowness issues are related to lots of junk auto-starting with the system.

NonTechieNeedsToKnow 11-12-2015 11:39 AM

It just took 4 minutes to open Firefox on the laptop - sometimes it's 10 minutes or doesn't open at all. I can't open quickbooks - the message says I'm already logged on or sometimes it just won't open. I've tried all the tips on QB website but I haven't reinstalled the program yet, because the other programs are slow too. All my activity takes longer to open programs so I just don't use the computer anymore.

I've tried wired and wireless internet. When I'm on the internet it's like dial-up. (only on the laptop) No one else is on the internet.

I was considering buying PCMatic instead of buying a new computer but I know first hand you can't trust the geek squad at best buy, so was leary about trusting this company advertising on TV.

kpmedia 01-03-2016 02:33 PM

What this usually means is that the system is loading too much (unnecessary!) software with system boot. Have you ever run "msconfig" to see what is starting up -- and if it needs to?

Also be sure to reboot from time to time, because all computers have "memory leaks" and bog down over time. I have to reboot mine every few weeks.

New computers can help, but not always.

The biggest way to "fix" slowdowns in recent years it migrate to SSD from HDD. That can speed up your tasks quite a bit, even more than a new CPU and gobs of RAM.

The other issue is that Firefox has gotten piggier over the years. Sites have also gotten to be ridiculous at times, wanting to transfer over massive amounts of ads and scripts. I've seen webpages that are 10mb, and that will load REALLY slow on all but the fastest of internet connections (which most Americans don't have access to!)

All of these things add up, and can make using a computer miserable.

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