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Gamecraze 10-19-2003 11:07 PM

My first computer: 486sx/25 with 16MB RAM!
I had this really odd computer back in the day.
it was a 486sx 25 with 16 ram, and a 500 meg hard drive.
Well, it would run things way more powerful than it was supposed to be able to.
just it would take a while to load is all.

It was able to run win98 and Total Annihilation 64ram maps perfectly on only 4 megs of ram, when i removed some just for the heck of it.
They just took a while to load.

It didnt know what it wasnt supposed to be able to do.
it was rather funny. My Fiends and I used to joke about how if u added stuff to it i'd eat it and become more powerful, like the south park episode about the trapper keeper. But this was way before that show exsisted.

Ah memories.

kwag 10-19-2003 11:18 PM

My first Hard Drive was a 10MB seagate :lol:
It crashed on me after about 3 months of use, and they replaced it with a new "WOW" 20MB model (also Seagate). :hihi:
And I remember saying to myself: "20MB, I'll never be able to fill that" :mrgreen:
Ahhhh, memories of around 1983 :D


Gamecraze 10-20-2003 12:05 AM

Yes, well my 1st comp expierence was with a 486 66 of my dad's.
My 1st computer was a 486 25, not the amazing one.

Mabey a Computer history is in order, oldest to current.
486dx2 25
486dx2 50
extra 486sx 25 - amazing one as a secondary for parallel cable multiplayer gaming :)
Amdk6-2 300
P3500 (self built)
Athalonxp1600+ (current) (self built)
Fun fun fun.

kwag 10-20-2003 12:10 AM

My first PC, after my Atari 800, was a whooping 4.77Mhz "Tava PC" :lol:
It was an IBM clone, with 640KB or RAM :lol:
That's the machine that had the 10MB HDD :)
I still remember I had a Monochrome ( Green ) monitor (forgot the brand), and the graphics card was a "Hercules" monochrome card.
I used to play "Flight Simulator", and it was so cool to see the (wire frame) plane and scenery :mrgreen:
Times have changed :cool:


Gamecraze 10-20-2003 12:12 AM

My 1st multiplayer Computer Game ( via null cable) Command and Conquer original. Fun Fun Fun...too bad there was no computer ai to play against, so i had to beat the crap outta my friends.

Krassi 10-20-2003 01:30 AM

My first contact with a Computer was an Amiga 500. I've been one of the first owners in Germany.
I've played alot and programmed my physics homework with it (VB) and always had good results 8)
I remember a friend having a Commodore 64 about two years before. He plotted a ferrari with his printer (B&W).
Man, was that amazing at this time :bigooh:

incredible 10-20-2003 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by kwag
and they replaced it with a new "WOW" 20MB model (also Seagate). :hihi:
And I remember saying to myself: "20MB, I'll never be able to fill that"

How "decadent" *lol

At that Time I did my experiences on assembler using a Commodore 64 inlcuding that BIG storage Floppy 1541!!
20MBs I didn't know at that time the word MB, only KB .... ;-)

Well next time I'll try to get one full completo C64 incl. 1541 Floppy and a carton full of games on floppy disks at EBAY (price maybe 30 Euros :D ) .... just to do a remember "reunion" with some old friends and playing the whole night those games like Shoplifter, Fort Apocalypse, Mission Impossible "... stay forever!!", Zaxxon etc.


kwag 10-20-2003 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by incredible


One of my favorite games of all times :D


incredible 10-20-2003 11:39 AM

I LOOOOOOVED!!! Loderunner!!!!!!!! And its Scene editor!
Thats ONE of the most importand reasons why I want again a C64!
I know the adaption for MAC but its not as good as the C64 original in its graphics reduced version.

:!: :D :!:

Gamecraze 10-20-2003 11:43 AM

Eh i got to the scene late, missed some of those classics, My old fav was Commander Keen, Played the hell outta that game.

Zyphon 10-20-2003 05:07 PM

My first home computer was a Sinclair Spectrum + with a whooping 48K of memory and those beeping sound effects in games lol. :) Those were the days.

Later i got a Amiga 1200 with a built in HDD and a huge 127Meg Hard Drive i thought things couldnt get better than that, i still have my A1200 for nostalgic reasons.

Gamecraze 10-20-2003 11:14 PM

I got all my old game consoles for nostalgia reasons, I'm still pissed that my dad sold my atari for 10 bucks. GRRRR

EightBall 10-20-2003 11:56 PM

My First?
COCO2 with 4mb memory. I expanded it to 16 mb for 700.00 and people went ooooooooo. HAHA
The external floppy drive 5 1/2 was 799.00 Radio Shack.

My most horrid memory?
I bought a DX4-66 loaded to the nines (at the time) for 10,600.00. I cashed in mutual funds to do it. erf!
The computer is worth about 1.50, the funds? ... dont go there. :lol:

EightBall 10-20-2003 11:57 PM

wait no. sorry.
Color Computer. CoCo 2 came out later, I had that too, with 32 k of memory. ooooooooooooooooooo

kwag 10-21-2003 12:12 AM

That was a nice machine Eightball :D
If I remember correctly, it had a 6809 processsor. Very nice chip :!:


EightBall 10-22-2003 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by kwag
That was a nice machine Eightball :D
If I remember correctly, it had a 6809 processsor. Very nice chip :!:


Truth is Karl, I bought it for no reason other than to show off. I had no idea what good the processor was, my knowledge of computers and the time I had to invest in them, I could easily have stuck with the TRS-80 that replaced my coc02. I remember being amazed by a program in (at that time) the only computer magazine published whic you had to manually key in the code line by line. The program was called "the Creator", or something like that, where you would define what your idea was for a peice of software, and it would write the code. gOSH! i WAS SO Thrilled. I spent a month with that thing, and it SUCKED!
I should have got a commodore 64 and pushed it to its limits. Seems like all the youngsteres who did that are pretty adept computer wise now.

Theres something to be said for starting small, pushing yourself to know all your machine can do, wishing for more power, capabilty, and then one day, when you've pushed your machine as far as it will go, and your own knowledge has developed, and the hours you spent wishing for a new one resulted in 100's of ideas for what you can do with the new one, you do it.
Ahh that must be satisfying.
When you just go out every few months buy all the latest crap, because someone else says so, or you read it was good, theres no satisfaction.

Hmmmm... I'm talking an awful lot. Must be the cerveza. :roll:

bicho_visacoso 10-29-2003 09:15 AM

my first computer was the AMAZING ;) Spectrum+ with 48K of memory ... wow :P My first PC was a 8088-10Mhz with 640KB and 20MB of HDD with a horrible black and white monitor (of course better than a green monitor) ;)

My prefered game? GAUNTLET!!!! multiplayer with only one computer ;)

EightBall 10-30-2003 08:28 PM

We just told everyone how O_L_D we are. :lol:

rhino 10-31-2003 09:36 AM

My first computer was a dragon 32. I remember spending days with my dad's stereo trying to copy games from tape to tape. His stereo never did recover from trying to tape Ugh! The classic game of trying to steal Pterodactyl eggs and avoid the T-Rex.

And lets not forget Chuckie Egg!


kwag 10-31-2003 03:59 PM

Hey rhino, you're really a dino :mrgreen:
( Just like me and others here :P ) :lol:


fragmaster170 12-25-2003 06:36 PM

well... im only 18, yet I remember messing around with my brother's TI99/4A.

that thing was sweet, as a matter of fact, I still have it in a closet, and it works perfectly except for a broken RF Adapter. It seems ironic now, I bet most digital watches have more power, with its AMAZING 16k of ram, the 16-bit TMS-9900 processor running at a zippy whole 3Mhz and would display at a nice resolution of 252x192, catch this, IN COLOR!!! (okay, maybe that was ahead of its time)

Roc 05-27-2004 12:28 PM


Color Computer. CoCo 2 came out later
Most over europe the CoCo was sold as "Dragon32" or "Dragon64"

And lets not forget Chuckie Egg!
chears ;)
A friend of mine had a dragon

it had a 6809 processsor. Very nice chip
Yes, and it was the first that was realy fun to program in Assembler..
.. i assembled on a peace of paper used a table to search the hex values and entered it with a hex editor .. no kidding ..
just small tools like a asci-print for the "HighRes" Graphic Display..
An addaption of the "Amiga Ball" and other small things..
The bigest thing was a selfmade Scanner which was based on a reflexLED and some resistors, which was mounted on the printer head and connected with the analog-Joystick port..
Very funny, very cheap, but it works..
..i had to reprogram the joyport-routin because the buildin was not fast enough... :)

kwag 05-27-2004 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Roc
Yes, and it was the first that was realy fun to program in Assembler..
.. i assembled on a peace of paper used a table to search the hex values and entered it with a hex editor .. no kidding ..

I know you're not kidding, because I did it exactly the same thing :D
The first machine code program I wrote was actually on the HeathKit 6800 CPU trainer. I remember writing a digital clock program, completely in machine code, and it was about ~300 bytes (or less) :!:
The company I used to work for (circa 1985, for this issue), had a 20 channel VHF/UHF IMTS telephone switch terminal for car telephones, and the main board was a Motorola 6809 processor with 32KB of RAM.
I had fun changing the 1 second interval NMI timer vector, and pointing it to my own machine code routine, for doing weird things like generating test tones, capturing phone lines, forcing manual connection between a phone line and a channel, etc.
I had a single one byte value, that if changed, it would execute my own vectored routine followed by the original (saved on stack), and then clear the byte. Otherwise, the regular NMI routine would be called. It was fun, and also fun crashing the system when using incorrect OP codes :mrgreen:
But system reset was only 5 seconds, even with a 2Mhz clock :!:
I always liked Motorola's CPU arquitectures better than Intel's :cool:


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