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-   -   DIKO - Me enrolei Mesquita. (

vmesquita 07-08-2004 07:12 PM

Eu sei, mas vamos com calma. :lol: Recursos como multiplas legendas e usar filmes DivX em 3 CDs exigem modificações mais pesadas na estrutura interna. Eu pretendo fazer isso, mas como sempre, pouco a pouco. :wink:
Essa semana e semana que vem, farei apenas releases consertando bugs (infelizmente estarei muito ocupado). Na outra semana pretendo começar a implementar novas funcionalidades :D

ncarlo 07-09-2004 11:17 PM

Olá Mesquita:

Tudo Bem?

Se eu fizer um KSVCD ou um KDVD tem como eu colocar as legendas na parte preta do filme se esse for aquele tipo widescreen, no DIKO? Como?



vmesquita 07-09-2004 11:27 PM

Oi Ncarlo,

Que eu me lembre, o default é a legenda ficar na parte preta mesmo, mas vc oide ajustar na configuração do DIKO Gold. Onde a legenda está aparecendo?

ncarlo 07-10-2004 02:57 PM

Olá Mesquita,

A legenda está aparecendo mais para cima. Tem filmes que fica no filme e tem filmes que fica meio a meio. Só um único fime ficou na parte preta. Na maior parte tem ficado no filme.
O último que eu gravei, era um DIVX:

Lengh: 01:39:41 (143,390 fr)
xy:544x288 (1.889:1) [~15:8]
Bitrate: 767 kb/s
fps: 23.976
Qf: 0.204 bits/pixel
Audio: 0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3
Codec: divx 5.o
Tempo 99,40 minutos

Era um único cd e a legenda ficou no filme.

A faixa peta não era tão grande nesse filme, mas dava pra colocar a legenda (acho).



vmesquita 07-10-2004 03:45 PM

Diminua o Bottom Margin na configuração do DIKO Gold. :wink:

ncarlo 07-10-2004 05:42 PM

Vou fazer isso no próximo filme que vou começar daqui a alguns minutos.

Você não poderia colocar um preview na próxima atualização do diko gold?

Assim facilitaria pra gente localizar a legenda. Ou já tem e eu não sei onde?



vmesquita 07-10-2004 05:50 PM

Não, não tem ainda não. :oops:
E para a próxima versão (que deve sair amanhã) já está um pouco em cima. :(

ncarlo 07-10-2004 11:12 PM

BEm, então fica pra próxima atualização[/IMG] :? [IMG]. Coloque na sua agenda para não esquecer.

Ainda sobre legendas no DIKO, quando eu seleciono legenda SVCD ele gera um arquito .srt, um tmp0.sub, temp0a.sub, temp0b.sub e temp20b.sub. Imaginei que esse item fosse para colocar legenda selecionável no svcd. Estou correto?

Só que quando passo no powerdvd, não aparece legenda nenhuma.

Se eu errei como conserto? Se não errei onde está o erro?



vmesquita 07-11-2004 06:02 AM

Quanto ao preview, eu adicionei a lista de coisas para fazer. Não sei se estará na próxima versão pois depende de outros fatores, mas farei o possível.

Não existe nenhum player de software capaz de reproduzir legendas CVD/SVCD. O VideoLan diz que faz isso mas nunca consegui fazer funcionar. As legendas são muxadas pelo SPUMux no MPG. :wink:

ncarlo 07-11-2004 10:56 AM


Não existe nenhum player de software capaz de reproduzir legendas CVD/SVCD.
Bem, vamos em frente então, já que não dá, não dá (por enquanto).


Diminua o Bottom Margin na configuração do DIKO Gold.
Eu fiz isso e coloquei em 40 (ele ficava em 50). Mas não surtiu muito efeito não. A legenda não abaixou. Até parece que ficou mais em cima (teoricamente fiz tudo certo).

Vou baixar para zero e ver no que dá.



ncarlo 07-12-2004 01:33 PM

Olá Mesquita:

Desinstalei a versão do DIKO peguei a 0.70 instalei, depois peguei a versão 0.71 e instalaei (ali diz que é um upgrade) e depois peguei a versão 0.72 e instalei por cima das duas.
Peguei o DIKO gold 1.42 e instalei também.

Aí fiz umas três conversões e acertei a legenda. Agora ficou legal. Ela fica onde a gente manda ela ficar.

Fiz três filmes e deu tudo certo o DIKO está funcionando em tudo.

Mas, tive uma surpresa. Tenho um filme .avi em dois cds. Abri o DIKO e selecionei Movie File 1 e selecionei o 1° CD e depois com o 2° Cd.

Resultado: o som do segundo cd ficou no primeiro. Que confusão. Aí repeti a opreção pensando que havia feito algo errado e deu tudo trocado de novo. O som do segundo cd foi parar no primeiro.

Segue o log do filme, par você tentar identificar o erro e me ajudar a corrigir.

12:24:33 - D.I.K.O. GOLD 1.42 (DivX/DVD in KDVD out)
12:24:33 - -----------------------------------------------------
12:24:33 - *************************
12:24:33 - * Getting movie info... *
12:24:33 - *************************
12:24:33 - -----------------
12:24:33 - Processing Movie 0:D:\Emule\Incoming\PecadoOriginalcd1.avi+D:\Emule \Incoming\PecadoOriginalcd2.avi
12:24:33 - Script Template: scripts\avi\DialhotV4.avs
12:24:33 - Progressive Width: 640 Height 272 A.R.: 2.352941 Framerate: 23.976000 Frames: 170382
12:24:33 - Audio type: 8192 (AC3), channels: 5 Frequency: 48000 Hz Bitrate 448 kbps
12:24:33 - Audio is 5.1 AC3 and will be config.downmixed do 2.0.
12:24:33 - Calculated Audio size: 97.157216 Mb
12:24:34 - ***************************
12:24:34 - * Processing Subtitles... *
12:24:34 - ***************************
12:24:34 - creating subtitles style files...
12:24:34 - *******************
12:24:34 - * Calculations... *
12:24:34 - *******************
12:24:34 - Total audio space: 97.157216 Mb
12:24:34 - Media Size: 795 Mb
12:24:34 - Media count: 1
12:24:34 - Mux Overhead: 15 Mb
12:24:34 - Remaining space for video: 682.842784 Mb
12:24:34 - Total length: 118.439273 minutes
12:24:34 - Desired Sample Size: 7.120066 Mb QFactor Adjust used: 1.000000
12:24:34 - **********************************
12:24:34 - * Initiating prediction phase... *
12:24:34 - **********************************
12:24:34 - Encoding with maximmum Q factor: 40
12:27:18 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 6.695763 Mb
12:27:18 -
12:27:28 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 6.695763 Mb
12:27:28 - Encoding with medium Q factor: 20
12:30:06 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 9.759529 Mb
12:30:06 -
12:30:16 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 9.759529 Mb
12:30:16 - Sample is bigger than desired sample. QMedium=QMin.
12:30:16 - -------------------------------------------
12:30:16 - Running Interaction: 1 | QFactor: 37 | QFactorMax: 40 / 6.695763 Mb | QFactorMin: 20 / 9.759529 Mb
12:32:50 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 6.993710 Mb
12:32:50 -
12:33:00 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 6.993710 Mb
12:33:00 - -------------------------------------------
12:33:00 - Fine tuning QFactor using a big sample
12:33:00 - --------------------------------------
12:39:06 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 33.953182 Mb
12:39:06 -
12:39:16 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 33.953182 Mb
12:39:16 - Percentual Difference:
12:39:16 - Percentual Difference: -0.046268 %
12:39:16 - Using QFactor 37 difference would be: -4.626773
12:39:16 - - 1 Q point equals 1.600000 %
12:39:16 - Using QFactor 36 difference would be: -3.100802
12:39:16 - - 1 Q point equals 1.600000 %
12:39:16 - Final Q factor: 35
12:39:16 - *********************
12:39:16 - * Encoding Video... *
12:39:16 - *********************
12:39:16 - Re-Creating movies scripts without sampler for Full Encode
12:39:16 - Encoding... Please Wait this can take many hours depending on your processor.
12:39:16 - Processing Movie 0:D:\Emule\Incoming\PecadoOriginalcd1.avi+D:\Emule \Incoming\PecadoOriginalcd2.avi
14:01:58 - Enabling pulldown flag... Command-line:
14:01:58 - pulldown.exe "C:\Videos\movie0.mpv" "C:\Videos\pd_movie0.mpv"
14:01:58 -

14:03:26 - Pulldown Sucessfull. Deleting original file and renaming the pulled-down one.
14:03:47 - ********************
14:03:47 - * Audio extraction *
14:03:47 - ********************
14:03:47 - Extracting audio from part 1 of movie with AVI2WAV... Command-line:
14:03:47 - avi2wav\avi2wavcmd.exe "D:\Emule\Incoming\PecadoOriginalcd1.avi" "C:\Videos\extract0a.wav"
14:04:18 - Extracting audio from part 2 of movie with AVI2WAV... Command-line:
8´\ - 014:04:18 - avi2wav\avi2wavcmd.exe "D:\Emule\Incoming\PecadoOriginalcd2.avi" "C:\Videos\extract0b.wav"
14:04:59 - ---------------------------------------
14:04:59 - ********************************
14:04:59 - * Initiating audio encoding... *
14:04:59 - ********************************
14:04:59 - Processing Movie 0:D:\Emule\Incoming\PecadoOriginalcd1.avi+D:\Emule \Incoming\PecadoOriginalcd2.avi
14:04:59 - ------------------

14:04:59 - Fix errors and remove WAV header using AC3Fix from file 1. Command-line:
14:04:59 - dvdauthor\ac3fix.exe "C:\Videos\extract0a.wav" "C:\Videos\temp0a.ac3"
14:05:58 - Fix errors and remove WAV header using AC3Fix from file 2. Command-line:
14:05:58 - dvdauthor\ac3fix.exe "C:\Videos\extract0b.wav" "C:\Videos\temp0b.ac3"
14:06:23 - Using BeSweet to transcode, change FPS or frequency as needed. Command-line:

14:06:23 - besweet\besweet.exe -core( -input "C:\Videos\list.lst" -output "C:\Videos\movie0.mp2" -logfilea "C:\Videos\log.txt" -2ch ) -ssrc( --rate 44100 ) -ota( -fs 48000 -g max) -mp2enc( -m d -b 112 )
BeSweet v1.5b28 by DSPguru.
Using VOBInput.dll v1.3 by DVD2SVCD (
Using hip.dll v1.19 by Myers Carpenter <>
Using Ogg Vorbis v1.0 dlls (
Using azid.dll v1.9 (b922) by Midas (
Using Shibatch.dll v0.24 by Naoki Shibata & DSPguru (
Using MP2enc.dll v1.129 (23/5/2002), Engine 1.129 <>.

Logging start : 07/12/04 , 14:06:25.

besweet\besweet.exe -core( -input C:\Videos\list.lst -output C:\Videos\movie0.mp2 -logfilea C:\Videos\log.txt -2ch ) -ssrc( --rate 44100 ) -ota( -fs 48000 -g max) -mp2enc( -m d -b 112 )

[00:00:00:000] +------- BeSweet -----
[00:00:00:000] | Input : C:\Videos\list.lst
[00:00:00:000] | Output: C:\Videos\movie0.mp2
[00:00:00:000] | Floating-Point Process: Yes
[00:00:00:000] +---------------------
[00:00:00:000] | Input : C:\Videos\temp0a.ac3
[00:00:00:000] | Output: C:\Videos\movie0.mp2
[00:00:00:000] | Floating-Point Process: Yes
[00:00:00:000] | Overall Track Gain: 7.916dB
[00:00:00:000] +-------- AZID -------
[00:00:00:000] | Input Channels Mode: 3/2, Bitrate: 640kbps
[00:00:00:000] | Output Stereo mode: Dolby surround compatible
[00:00:00:000] | Total Gain: 0.000dB, Compression: None
[00:00:00:000] | LFE levels: To LR -INF, To LFE 0.0dB
[00:00:00:000] | Center mix level: BSI
[00:00:00:000] | Surround mix level: BSI
[00:00:00:000] | Dialog normalization: No
[00:00:00:000] | Rear channels filtering: No
[00:00:00:000] +------ Shibatch -----
[00:00:00:000] | Source Sample-Rate: 48.0KHz
[00:00:00:000] | Dest. Sample-Rate: 44.1KHz
[00:00:00:000] | Attenuation : 0.0db
[00:00:00:000] +------- MP2ENC ------
[00:00:00:000] | Bitrate method : CBR
[00:00:00:000] | MP2 bitrate : 112
[00:00:00:000] | Channels Mode : Dual Channel
[00:00:00:000] | Error Protection: No
[00:00:00:000] +---------------------
[00:00:00:032] Stream error : Sync found after 27974933 bytes
[01:08:10.378] E31: Compositely coded 3-level value >26
[00:00:00:064] Stream error : Sync found after 17185112 bytes
[01:08:10.410] E33: Illegal symmetric 7-level value =7
[00:00:00:096] Stream error : Sync found after 39770119 bytes
[01:08:10.442] E31: Compositely coded 3-level value >26
[00:00:00:128] Stream error : Sync found after 1337290 bytes
[01:08:10.474] E33: Illegal symmetric 7-level value =7
[00:00:00:160] Stream error : Sync found after 12645749 bytes
[01:08:10.506] E35: Illegal symmetric 15-level value =15
[00:00:00:192] Stream error : Sync found after 53997980 bytes
[01:08:10.538] E33: Illegal symmetric 7-level value =7
[00:00:00:224] Stream error : Sync found after 11896273 bytes
[01:08:10.570] E33: Illegal symmetric 7-level value =7
[00:00:00:224] | Input : C:\Videos\temp0b.ac3
[00:00:00:224] | Output: C:\Videos\movie0.mp2
[00:00:00:224] | Floating-Point Process: Yes
[00:00:00:224] | Overall Track Gain: 7.916dB
[00:00:00:224] +-------- AZID -------
[00:00:00:224] | Input Channels Mode: 3/2, Bitrate: 448kbps
[00:00:00:224] | Output Stereo mode: Dolby surround compatible
[00:00:00:224] | Total Gain: 0.000dB, Compression: None
[00:00:00:224] | LFE levels: To LR -INF, To LFE 0.0dB
[00:00:00:224] | Center mix level: BSI
[00:00:00:224] | Surround mix level: BSI
[00:00:00:224] | Dialog normalization: No
[00:00:00:224] | Rear channels filtering: No
[00:00:00:224] +------ Shibatch -----
[00:00:00:224] | Source Sample-Rate: 48.0KHz
[00:00:00:224] | Dest. Sample-Rate: 44.1KHz
[00:00:00:224] | Attenuation : 0.0db
[00:00:00:224] +---------------------
[01:08:10:368] Conversion Completed !
[01:08:10:368] Actual Avg. Bitrate : 112kbps
[00:11:41:000] <-- Transcoding Duration

Logging ends : 07/12/04 , 14:18:06.

14:18:07 - Renaming movie 0 files to its final name...
14:18:07 - Processing Movie 0
14:18:07 - Muxing audio and video with mplex. Command-line:
14:18:07 - "dvdauthor\mplex.exe" -f 4 -o "C:\Videos\0 - PecadoOriginalcd1.mpg" "C:\Videos\0 - PecadoOriginalcd1.mpv" "C:\Videos\0 - PecadoOriginalcd1.mp2"
14:18:07 -



vmesquita 07-12-2004 02:18 PM

Oi NCarlo,

Poste para mim o conteúdo deste arquivo:

É única possibilidade de erro que consigo ver. Por outro lado, o BeSweet achou vários problemas no audio AC3, veja:

[00:00:00:032] Stream error : Sync found after 27974933 bytes
[01:08:10.378] E31: Compositely coded 3-level value >26
[00:00:00:064] Stream error : Sync found after 17185112 bytes
[01:08:10.410] E33: Illegal symmetric 7-level value =7
[00:00:00:096] Stream error : Sync found after 39770119 bytes
[01:08:10.442] E31: Compositely coded 3-level value >26
[00:00:00:128] Stream error : Sync found after 1337290 bytes
[01:08:10.474] E33: Illegal symmetric 7-level value =7
[00:00:00:160] Stream error : Sync found after 12645749 bytes
[01:08:10.506] E35: Illegal symmetric 15-level value =15
[00:00:00:192] Stream error : Sync found after 53997980 bytes
[01:08:10.538] E33: Illegal symmetric 7-level value =7
[00:00:00:224] Stream error : Sync found after 11896273 bytes
[01:08:10.570] E33: Illegal symmetric 7-level value =7
Pode ser problema na fonte tb.

ncarlo 07-12-2004 06:00 PM

Aí vai o conteúdo do arquivo list.lst que eu abri com o bloco de notas:

-core( -input "C:\Videos\temp0a.ac3" )
-core( -input "C:\Videos\temp0b.ac3" )

Esqueci de dizer que a imagem ficou muito boa sem nenhum problema. O divx passa normalmente no PC, tanto o cd1 quanto o cd2.



vmesquita 07-12-2004 06:34 PM

Está correto (o arquivo1 e depois o arquivo2), acho que o problema é na fonte mesmo... :(

ncarlo 07-12-2004 07:29 PM

Vou extrair o áudio então e passar para wav e colocar no divx novamente e encodar no DIKO novamente para ver no que dá.



vmesquita 07-12-2004 07:30 PM

Sim é uma boa idéia. Mas acho q vc terá que extrair com direct Streamcopy no VirtualDub para depois expandir para WAV usando o BeSweet já que não tem codec AC3. :wink:

ncarlo 07-12-2004 07:55 PM

Valeu Mesquita.
Mas eu tenho o virtualdub ac3 instalado no meu pc. Com ele o virtualdub abre e converte o ac3 para wav, já convertendo para 44100 e 16bits.

Tive uma outra idéia, vou juntar os dois filmes com o virtualdub e fazer isso. Depois lhe dou notícia do que aconteceu. Amanhã porque agora to morto de sono



ncarlo 07-13-2004 11:38 AM

Olá Mesquita:

Fiz o filme. Juntei os dois com o virtualdub. Foi fácil porque era dublado. Extrai o som ac3 e converti para wav 44.100 hz, 16 bits e gravei no filme comprimindo em mpeg layer 3.
Aí encodei no DIKO e ficou muito bom. O DIKO facilitou muito as tarefas.

Tenho um outro filme em dois cds com legendas, que eu fiz no DIKO. Fiz três vezes, para confirmar, e nas três vezes a legenda do segundo cd ficou duplicada. Só a do segundo cd. O som nesses dois filmes foi gravado normalmente. Isso mostra que você tinha razão, quando ao filme anterior, ou seja, o defeito estava na fonte.

Já tinha visto no forum mensagem sua a respeito dizendo que era um problema que vc tinha consertado, referindo-se à legenda duplicada.

Vou lhe mandar o log para você ver se é problema de codecs duplicados no meu PC. Como eu instalei vários programas inclusive o Elisoft codeck pack, alguns, como o divx 5.11 e o VOB parece que ficaram duplicados no meu PC. Espero que seja fácil resolver. Se for preciso reinstalo o meu PC. Mas, antes, queria que vc desse uma olhada.

09:15:02 - D.I.K.O. GOLD 1.42 (DivX/DVD in KDVD out)
09:15:02 - -----------------------------------------------------
09:15:02 - *************************
09:15:02 - * Getting movie info... *
09:15:02 - *************************
09:15:02 - -----------------
09:15:02 - Processing Movie 0:D:\Demaispastas\Avigravadoaguardando\Submersoscd 1.avi+D:\Demaispastas\Avigravadoaguardando\Submers oscd2.avi
09:15:02 - Script Template: scripts\avi\DialhotV4.avs
09:15:02 - Progressive Width: 640 Height 464 A.R.: 1.379310 Framerate: 23.976000 Frames: 151458
09:15:02 - Audio type: 8192 (AC3), channels: 5 Frequency: 48000 Hz Bitrate 448 kbps
09:15:02 - Audio is 5.1 AC3 and will be config.downmixed do 2.0.
09:15:02 - Calculated Audio size: 86.366151 Mb
09:15:02 - ***************************
09:15:02 - * Processing Subtitles... *
09:15:02 - ***************************
09:15:02 - Converting Subs from file1 to MicroDVD format.Subtitle Workshop line:
09:15:02 - "C:\Arquivos de programas\URUSoft\Subtitle Workshop\SubtitleWorkshop.exe" "/CONVERT(D:\Demaispastas\Avigravadoaguardando\Subme\Videos\temp0a.sub/MicroDVD/23,976/23,976)"
09:15:04 - Converting Subs from file2 to MicroDVD format.Subtitle Workshop line:
09:15:04 - "C:\Arquivos de programas\URUSoft\Subtitle Workshop\SubtitleWorkshop.exe" "/CONVERT(D:\Demaispastas\Avigravadoaguardando\Subme\Videos\temp20b.sub/MicroDVD/23,976/23,976)"
09:15:05 - Time-Shifting converted file2 subs. Subtitle Workshop line:
09:15:05 - "C:\Arquivos de programas\URUSoft\Subtitle Workshop\SubtitleWorkshop.exe" "/DELAY(C:\Videos\temp20b.sub/C:\Videos\temp0b.sub/23,976/2998082)
09:15:05 -

09:15:06 - Removing first line of subs and merging if there's two files...
09:15:06 - Converting Subs to SRT. Subtitle Workshop line:
09:15:06 - "C:\Arquivos de programas\URUSoft\Subtitle Workshop\SubtitleWorkshop.exe" "/CONVERT(C:\Videos\temp0.sub/C:\Videos\,976/23,976)"
09:15:07 - creating subtitles style files...
09:15:07 - *******************
09:15:07 - * Calculations... *
09:15:07 - *******************
09:15:07 - Total audio space: 86.366151 Mb
09:15:07 - Media Size: 795 Mb
09:15:07 - Media count: 1
09:15:07 - Mux Overhead: 15 Mb
09:15:07 - Remaining space for video: 693.633849 Mb
09:15:07 - Total length: 105.284451 minutes
09:15:07 - Desired Sample Size: 7.232585 Mb QFactor Adjust used: 1.000000
09:15:07 - **********************************
09:15:07 - * Initiating prediction phase... *
09:15:07 - **********************************
09:15:07 - Automatic resolution selection mode:
09:15:07 - DIKO will test and find the highest resolution that can be
09:15:07 - used with a good quality QFACTOR
09:15:07 - Trying 480x480(576)...
09:18:39 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 9.616459 Mb
09:18:39 -
09:18:49 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 9.616459 Mb
09:18:50 - Trying 352x480(576)...
09:22:11 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 7.690998 Mb
09:22:11 -
09:22:21 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 7.690998 Mb
09:22:21 - Trying 352x240(288)...
09:25:37 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 5.276836 Mb
09:25:37 -
09:25:47 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 5.276836 Mb
09:25:47 - Encode will be done at 352x240(288)
09:25:47 - Encoding with medium Q factor: 20
09:29:03 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 7.345417 Mb
09:29:03 -
09:29:13 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 7.345417 Mb
09:29:13 - Sample is bigger than desired sample. QMedium=QMin.
09:29:14 - -------------------------------------------
09:29:14 - Running Interaction: 1 | QFactor: 21 | QFactorMax: 40 / 5.276836 Mb | QFactorMin: 20 / 7.345417 Mb
09:32:29 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 7.174583 Mb
09:32:29 -
09:32:39 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 7.174583 Mb
09:32:39 - -------------------------------------------
09:32:39 - Fine tuning QFactor using a big sample
09:32:39 - --------------------------------------
09:39:43 - Sample for Movie 0 (using templates\cce\svcd-p.tem). Filesize: 34.062355 Mb
09:39:44 -
09:39:54 - Total Resulting Filesize for this QFactor: 34.062355 Mb
09:39:54 - Percentual Difference:
09:39:54 - Percentual Difference: -0.058086 %
09:39:54 - Using QFactor 21 difference would be: -5.808631
09:39:54 - - 1 Q point equals 3.100000 %
09:39:54 - Final Q factor: 20
09:39:54 - *********************
09:39:54 - * Encoding Video... *
09:39:54 - *********************
09:39:54 - Re-Creating movies scripts without sampler for Full Encode
09:39:54 - Encoding... Please Wait this can take many hours depending on your processor.
09:39:54 - Processing Movie 0:D:\Demaispastas\Avigravadoaguardando\Submersoscd 1.avi+D:\Demaispastas\Avigravadoaguardando\Submers oscd2.avi
11:12:30 - Enabling pulldown flag... Command-line:
11:12:30 - pulldown.exe "C:\Videos\movie0.mpv" "C:\Videos\pd_movie0.mpv"
11:12:30 -

11:14:09 - Pulldown Sucessfull. Deleting original file and renaming the pulled-down one.
11:14:29 - ********************
11:14:29 - * Audio extraction *
11:14:29 - ********************
11:14:29 - Extracting audio from part 1 of movie with AVI2WAV... Command-line:
11:14:29 - avi2wav\avi2wavcmd.exe "D:\Demaispastas\Avigravadoaguardando\Submersoscd1 .avi" "C:\Videos\extract0a.wav"
11:15:07 - Extracting audio from part 2 of movie with AVI2WAV... Command-line:
8´\ - 011:15:07 - avi2wav\avi2wavcmd.exe "D:\Demaispastas\Avigravadoaguardando\Submersoscd2 .avi" "C:\Videos\extract0b.wav"
11:15:40 - ---------------------------------------
11:15:40 - ********************************
11:15:40 - * Initiating audio encoding... *
11:15:40 - ********************************
11:15:40 - Processing Movie 0:D:\Demaispastas\Avigravadoaguardando\Submersoscd 1.avi+D:\Demaispastas\Avigravadoaguardando\Submers oscd2.avi
11:15:40 - ------------------

11:15:40 - Fix errors and remove WAV header using AC3Fix from file 1. Command-line:
11:15:40 - dvdauthor\ac3fix.exe "C:\Videos\extract0a.wav" "C:\Videos\temp0a.ac3"
11:16:09 - Fix errors and remove WAV header using AC3Fix from file 2. Command-line:
11:16:09 - dvdauthor\ac3fix.exe "C:\Videos\extract0b.wav" "C:\Videos\temp0b.ac3"
11:16:28 - Using BeSweet to transcode, change FPS or frequency as needed. Command-line:

11:16:28 - besweet\besweet.exe -core( -input "C:\Videos\list.lst" -output "C:\Videos\movie0.mp2" -logfilea "C:\Videos\log.txt" -2ch ) -ssrc( --rate 44100 ) -ota( -fs 48000 -g max) -mp2enc( -m d -b 112 )
BeSweet v1.5b28 by DSPguru.
Using VOBInput.dll v1.3 by DVD2SVCD (
Using hip.dll v1.19 by Myers Carpenter <>
Using Ogg Vorbis v1.0 dlls (
Using azid.dll v1.9 (b922) by Midas (
Using Shibatch.dll v0.24 by Naoki Shibata & DSPguru (
Using MP2enc.dll v1.129 (23/5/2002), Engine 1.129 <>.

Logging start : 07/13/04 , 11:16:30.

besweet\besweet.exe -core( -input C:\Videos\list.lst -output C:\Videos\movie0.mp2 -logfilea C:\Videos\log.txt -2ch ) -ssrc( --rate 44100 ) -ota( -fs 48000 -g max) -mp2enc( -m d -b 112 )

[00:00:00:000] +------- BeSweet -----
[00:00:00:000] | Input : C:\Videos\list.lst
[00:00:00:000] | Output: C:\Videos\movie0.mp2
[00:00:00:000] | Floating-Point Process: Yes
[00:00:00:000] +---------------------
[00:00:00:000] | Input : C:\Videos\temp0a.ac3
[00:00:00:000] | Output: C:\Videos\movie0.mp2
[00:00:00:000] | Floating-Point Process: Yes
[00:00:00:000] | Overall Track Gain: 1.983dB
[00:00:00:000] +-------- AZID -------
[00:00:00:000] | Input Channels Mode: 3/2, Bitrate: 448kbps
[00:00:00:000] | Output Stereo mode: Dolby surround compatible
[00:00:00:000] | Total Gain: 0.000dB, Compression: None
[00:00:00:000] | LFE levels: To LR -INF, To LFE 0.0dB
[00:00:00:000] | Center mix level: BSI
[00:00:00:000] | Surround mix level: BSI
[00:00:00:000] | Dialog normalization: No
[00:00:00:000] | Rear channels filtering: No
[00:00:00:000] +------ Shibatch -----
[00:00:00:000] | Source Sample-Rate: 48.0KHz
[00:00:00:000] | Dest. Sample-Rate: 44.1KHz
[00:00:00:000] | Attenuation : 0.0db
[00:00:00:000] +------- MP2ENC ------
[00:00:00:000] | Bitrate method : CBR
[00:00:00:000] | MP2 bitrate : 112
[00:00:00:000] | Channels Mode : Dual Channel
[00:00:00:000] | Error Protection: No
[00:00:00:000] +---------------------
[00:49:58:048] | Input : C:\Videos\temp0b.ac3
[00:49:58:048] | Output: C:\Videos\movie0.mp2
[00:49:58:048] | Floating-Point Process: Yes
[00:49:58:048] | Overall Track Gain: 1.983dB
[00:49:58:048] +-------- AZID -------
[00:49:58:048] | Input Channels Mode: 3/2, Bitrate: 448kbps
[00:49:58:048] | Output Stereo mode: Dolby surround compatible
[00:49:58:048] | Total Gain: 0.000dB, Compression: None
[00:49:58:048] | LFE levels: To LR -INF, To LFE 0.0dB
[00:49:58:048] | Center mix level: BSI
[00:49:58:048] | Surround mix level: BSI
[00:49:58:048] | Dialog normalization: No
[00:49:58:048] | Rear channels filtering: No
[00:49:58:048] +------ Shibatch -----
[00:49:58:048] | Source Sample-Rate: 48.0KHz
[00:49:58:048] | Dest. Sample-Rate: 44.1KHz
[00:49:58:048] | Attenuation : 0.0db
[00:49:58:048] +---------------------
[01:45:16:960] Conversion Completed !
[01:45:16:960] Actual Avg. Bitrate : 112kbps
[00:16:02:000] <-- Transcoding Duration

Logging ends : 07/13/04 , 11:32:32.

11:32:33 - Renaming movie 0 files to its final name...
11:32:33 - Processing Movie 0
11:32:33 - Muxing audio and video with mplex. Command-line:
11:32:33 - "dvdauthor\mplex.exe" -f 4 -o "C:\Videos\0 - Submersoscd1.mpg" "C:\Videos\0 - Submersoscd1.mpv" "C:\Videos\0 - Submersoscd1.mp2"
11:32:33 -

A imagem do filme ficou ótima. A legenda também. O único problema foi esse.



vmesquita 07-13-2004 01:59 PM


Tem certeza que a legenda realmente está duplicada no filme? Verifique o movie0.avs e veja se tem a linha textsub duas vezes. Se não tiver, o que está acontecendo é que o arquivo de legenda em formato texto (srt) esta sendo carregado pelo DirectVobSub quando vc vai tocar no computador, junto com as legendas que já estão impressas no video e serão exibidas no DVDPlayer. Teste no DVDPlayer que deve ficar normal (mas use um CD-RW por via das dúvidas) :wink:

ncarlo 07-13-2004 06:27 PM

Olá Mesquita:

Gravei em cd-rw e passei no DVD. A legenda continua duplicada na TV. Engraçado que é só do meio do filme para o fim. Sou seja, somente a segunda legenda está duplicada.

Mais engraçado ainda é que no arquivo movie0.avs não tem a linha do textsub duplicada.

Será que é defeito no filme também?

Bom, de qualquer forma aí vai a cópia do arquivo movie0.avs para sua avaliação.

# DIKO Generated Script #
# Loading plugins and functions... #
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\asharp.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\atc.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\AutoCrop.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\avsmon25a.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\blockbuster.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\Convolution3DYV12.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\DctFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\GripFit_YV12.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\MPEG2Dec3.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\Sampler.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\STMedianFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\UnDot.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\UnFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\VSFilter.dll")
Import("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\addaudio.avsi")
Import("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\fmin.avsi")
Import("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\jdl-interlace.avsi")
Import("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\jdl-util.avsi")
Import("C:\Arquivos de programas\DIKO\avisynth plugins\resize.avsi")
# Script begins here... #
Avisource("D:\Demaispastas\Avigravadoaguardando\Su bmersoscd1.avi",false)++Avisource("D:\Demaispastas \Avigravadoaguardando\Submersoscd2.avi",false)
Blockbuster(method="noise",detail_min=1,detail_max =3,variance=0.1,seed=1)
Convolution3D(1, 6, 12, 6, 8, 2.8, 0)
DivXResize(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, "LanczosResize",WIDESCREEN)
#Blockbuster(method="noise",detail_min=1,detail_ma x=10,variance=0.3,seed=5623)

Aproveitando a mensagem, o que eu faço quando o audio fica adiantado em relação ao filme? Tem como arrumar? O filme é 29,970- fps e o áudio MPEG layer 3, divx 5.1.1.



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