- How to Add Subtitles to SVCD and CVD
- Subtitles in Swedish from a TV Recording VHS Video
- How to Add Subtitles on 3D movie?
- How to rip permanent subtitles from video?
- KVCD: a guide on how to blur hard coded text on a movie?
- How to add English subtitles to DVD?
- Guide for how to add subtitles in KVCD?
- KVCD: Another subtitle question...
- Permanent subtitle are cut off, outside the screen
- Edit params of sub directly into the VOBs [DVDSubEdit]
- DVD subtitles with DVD-lab PRO
- KDVD: How to create KDVD with REAL subtitle?
- KDVD: Diko + subtitles not showing
- Subtitles: MERGE two SETS OF .SRT FILES?
- can i demux the subtitles from the cut vob, and mux them back?
- extract the existing subtitles and translate them?
- Switching forced subs when switching audio track?
- Subtitles: Yoffset in SPUMUX not working?
- Subtitles: Submux on os x
- Subtitles: Help with VobSub codec and TMPGenc
- Subtitles with DVD Shrink or Nero Recode 2 ?
- Subtitles: Subs from .rawsub files...
- Subtitles: Media Player Classic
- TUTORIAL: How to change the style of subtitles ?
- Subtitles: I need vsub23.dll
- How to combine avi with subtitles?
- Adding subtitle to .mpg
- DVD/KDVD switchable subtitles
- Subtitles: WinSubMux critical problem
- Removing Subtitles from video?
- Adding Subtitles to an mpeg file
- Subtitles: How do I add subs in DVD-Lab Pro?
- Insert subtitles into a kvcd bin file
- KVCD subtitles hidden?
- my subtitles are not appearing correctly on tv
- Demux subtitles from vob
- Where to find subtitles for my DVD rips?
- How to use.sub and .idx files to make subtitles?
- Anime subtitle text cut off of the screen on VCD?
- How to edit existing subtitles?
- Subtitles - how to increase size?
- cannot get forced subtitles to display!
- Problems trying to rip subtitles from a movie
- Non-working subtitle on svcd: incorrect packet
- Subtitles showing Japanese language support from computer?
- Subtitles: Adding .srt subtitles to a KVCD movie
- Subtitles: Vobsub and ffdshow
- Any guides for making .srt subtitles from scratch?
- Subtitles: Trying to do perm subs for skvcd
- How to adjust subtitles because of missing minutes in film
- Subtitles: vobsub loads, but image not showing
- Guide: How to rip subtitle from avi
- How to Add subtitles to dvd with str2sup and ifoedit
- why can't muxed subtitles be played on PC ?
- Cannot get the subtitles to work with my script
- Quality of Subtitles with VSFILTER
- Subtitle Guide for KVCD?
- Trouble getting the English subtitles
- Subtitles: How to resize subs?
- Subtitles: Is there a way to make hard subs more visible?
- issues with getting SVCD subtitles to work when using KSVCD?
- Subtitles: New VobSub Filter and new VobSub ripper
- How to add Subtitles (srt) to an extracted .dat file
- Subtitles: Avi with .srt/.txt guide
- Alternative software to rip subtitles from a DVD ?
- Subtitles: semi-transparent subs?
- Subtitles: Adding subs with acp
- Some of the subtitles are missing?
- Copy Subtitles from DVD to SVCD?
- Subtitles: Vobsub for Avisynth 2.5?
- Permanent subtitle? Add subtitle into video?
- Subtitles: OCR pc and dvd version?
- Subtitles: How to insert fixed legend in my KVCD?
- Possible to use forced Subtitles with SubRip?
- Subtitles: VobSub for AVISynth 2.25?
- Good condensed font for subtitles?
- how and where to activate the movie subtitle language?
- Subtitles: Textsub.dll not found! Where to download?
- Unable to find any subtitles for movie?
- What are Forced subtitles?
- How to position and resize Subtitles
- How to convert DVD subtitle with Music Symbol to OCR Text?
- An easy way of resizing and positioning Subtitles?
- vcd: a way subtitles can be turned on or off ?
- Switchable Subtitle Guide
- VobSub subtitles displayed too early, out of sync
- Subtitles: How to SVCD/switchable subs using SRT
- Putting video noise filters before the Subtitles
- Subtitles: What type of file is this?
- Subtitles: Correct displayed times
- How to use .srt file to embed Subtitles?
- How to create Forced Subtitles in VobSub?
- Subtitlse out of sync in avisynth
- Looking for Subtitles downloads online...
- Subtitles: Cannot find any subs on this DVD
- Vob ID in subtitle
- Subtitle guides, anyone?
- DVDs and Movies That Use Forced Subtitles?
- KVCD subtitles all messed up?
- KVCD: Subtitles not In Sync?
- KVCD: Subtitles out of Sync?
- KVCD: What about CAPTIONS?
- Captions? or Subtitles?
- KVCD: can I add subtitles that I can turn off and on?
- Adding Subtitles, what to use?
- KVCD: Change subtitle without re-encoding??