Possible causes:
1. Some of the files required by DVD Shrink are either missing or out-of-date in your system. When was the last time you visited the Microsoft Windows Update site?
2. There is a conflict between DVD Shrink and another software installed on your pc. Right before the problem occurred what software did you install? Any other burning/video program installed? eg Pinnacle Instant CD/DVD?
3. Your system is overheating.
4. Buggy drivers have been identified as a possible cause for this problem. This could have happened if you recently updated your system thru Microsoft Windows Update, either manually or automatically. Outdated drivers are one the other hand also a cause for problems.
5. You have come across one of the "Problematic Movies".
some solutions. not easy to isolate. you have to try each one in turn until dvd shrink starts working.
try these:
CPU Burn-in
If you pass both tests then it’s probably not hardware related.
latest Microsoft DirectX installed?
latest drivers for your graphic card?
latest drivers for your motherboard?
did dvd shrink ever work on your pc?
was there a point when it stopped working?
eg when you added an app, like roxio?
or added more hardware like another dvd burner or hard drive etc?
try removing/uninstalling that hardware/software.
Overclocked computer?
try normal speed.
Bad Memory, Insufficient Memory, Conflicting Memory?
try different memory.
set memory to optimal? try normal settings.
Insufficient Power?
boost power supply to 500W or 600W etc.
sound card conflict?
disable/remove sonud card and all soundcard software.
if you have any setting that is "fast" or "turbo" etc, restore default values.
colour depth:
Normally your desktop should be set to 32-bits for DVD Shrink to manipulate video correctly.
try setting colour depth to 16 bits.
finally, maybe you have some sort of virus?
the only way to solve this is to re-do your pc from scratch.
minimal hardware & software with all the latest drivers.
then install dvd shrink and test.
as you install more hardware/software, you'll have to re-test dvd shrink until you spot the offending application or hardware.
hope this helps. happy hunting!