05-30-2023, 06:07 PM
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I have a fairly used (but in great condition) Magnavox combo DVD player/VCR, model DV225MG9... I've had it for years, but recently fell into the rabbithole of VHS preservation/restoration. Would this be a good "starter set"; something I can use for the time being before investing in anything more expensive... or should I replace it, getting a possibly better, 'newer' player before I start any long-term projects?
Tracking is a bit messed up but it's always been that way, either from me messing with it when I was a kid or the player's been a bit fucky from the get-go.
I also do not own, but look to invest in, a TBC. I know this model has one but like I said--it messes up it's own tracking.
I've attached the model's specifications directly from the manual, I'm planning to use S-video output.
I'm hopefully planning to archive my VHS collection, as well as restore some lesser-known anime/tv show home-release tapes.
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06-05-2023, 05:59 AM
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It depends on what you mean by "starter".
But in general, no, not useful, not suggested.
In general, Magnavox was not great, the 2nd-tier brand of Philips, sometimes outright using outsourced label items from other low-end manufacturers like Funai. Magnavox hasn't made anything good since the early 90s.
Since the "tracking is messed up:, I'd stop using it entirely. That does not bode well.
Combo deck "s-video" is fake, then units are almost always internall wired composite. The DVd output is s-video, but the VHS output is degraded due to internal compositing.
In general, a good "low end" player are the non-TBC JVC S-VHS VCRs, especially certain models like 3800, 4800. But it depends on use. The unit I'd suggest for preview is not the same I'd suggest as a rewinder, nor the same I'd suggest for a ES10/15 marry.
06-05-2023, 06:57 PM
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Thank you for the input, smurf!
In that case, what would you recommend? I'm considering a TBC-1000, there's a few sale posts here I like. What would you recommend going well with that as a full workflow?
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