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03-29-2017, 12:45 AM
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All of my capture systems, most TBCs, and most capture cards are now sold.

Now it's time for my extra S-VHS VCRs to be sold!

When you work in video, tools are essential. When something stops working properly, you can't halt operations to fix it. It's set aside, and a reserve unit takes it's place. Often times, yet another reserve unit is then purchased if the fix is not easily correctable. And in a case where availability is low, you have multiple reserve hardware on standby. Needless to say, I have lots of VCRs!

This is a really nice Panasonic AG-1970 S-VHS VCR:

- cosmetically decent
- nice bright display
- image quality was fine when last used
- TBC working when last used

The issue with this unit is that it won't load a tape. When the tape is inserted, the VCR makes some noises, and then ejects the tape within 10 seconds.

I have enough VCRs for my own needs that I don't need to spent time/funds to repair this.

I'm only asking $100.

PM if interested.

And FYI, the bright display is a sign that the unit is otherwise fine, thus worth $100.

I've spoken to (actually emailed, PM'd) both TGrant Photo and forum member 'deter' about Panasonic this year, and according to them errors like these should be fixable.

If you buy it, I can ship it directly to TGrant or deter, upon request. Saves double-shipping hassles.

Why would you want a non-working unit, you ask?

In the long-run, it'll be the most affordable option for you. TGrant will change $325 for repairs, but he sells refurbished units for $625+ shipped. I'm not sure what deter will charge for repair, but he also sells refurbished decks for $650+ as well.

By getting this deck for $100, and paying $325 to repair it, you're getting a refurbished deck for $425. That saves you about $200.

It's worth it! I have several AG-1980P, and those are quite nice.

Why not eBay, you ask?

The days of finding a nice working Panasonic S-VHS VCR for $250-350 are over. That was the 2000s, not the 2010s. The last Panasonic S-VHS VCRs were manufactured over 10 years ago, well past the life of the caps. The units you find now are usually in shambles: bad/overused heads, bad caps, bad displays, bad everything. Forum member deter has a recent horror story of getting a unit, opening it up, and finding dead cockroaches inside! Yuck!

Don't fall for a claim of "unit works great" or "tested" when the price is under $500. It's going to be bullplop and you'll then have to hassle with refunds and returns. I've run into this myself (trying to test some obscure hardware), as have many others. Not just this site, but elsewhere.

Get a VCR from somebody known to be trustworthy, and/or have it looked over by a qualified tech. Which is what the posting is for.

AG-1970 vs AG-1980P:

Although the 1980 can be better, it's not better by huge leaps and bounds. The 1970 has some slight difference in abilities, and some video hobbyists and pros actually prefer the 1970 to the 1980 (though a minority). Don't pass up a good opportunity to get a nice 1970! For one thing, 1970 has far fewer capacitor issues, so keep that in mind.

- Did my advice help you? Then become a Premium Member and support this site.
- For sale in the marketplace: TBCs, workflows, capture cards, VCRs
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