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07-01-2017, 11:25 PM
juhok juhok is offline
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Sony EV-S9000E - Video8 / Hi8 player / recorder / editing.

In general with 9000's I would rate the picture quality as very good and sound quality as excellent.

Line TBC with framesync -> no need for external framesync(TBC) with this one. Apart from professional Betacam VTRs this is the only deck I've seen with built-in framesync.

In 2008 and 2009 after buying the deck it was serviced multiple times by official Sony techies. Many parts were exchanged and calibration/tensions checked. A lot of caps were redone, including TBC unit. In the early 2010's it was serviced again by http://www.1ivanka.de/ - I don't remember exactly what was at that time.

Sadly, after last repairs some bad caps emerged again. This time the LCD screen seems to be affected -> It will randomly dim/lose backlight. There's also a 'bad cap smell' when operating. I tried to locate the caps but gave up for the time being. Some plates and screws were left out (picture). After these problems I've only used this as a backup deck in the last few years. Enough to run it once in a while so lubricants don't go bad etc.

(Problems like these are normal for EV-S9000E - caps need redoing).

It's a bit tricky to come up with a price. It works and plays tapes ok and these go for 500 € and up on ebay. On the other hand there's the ongoing cap problem with smell and all.

Asking 100 € for now.

Remote included.

Shipping from Finland (EU). Ships everywhere and most places start from 30 €+

Pictures attached.

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Someday, 12:01 PM
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07-25-2017, 01:54 AM
juhok juhok is offline
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I found some more information about what repairs have been done. This is from summer 2011. Repaired by '1ivanka' in Germany.

I checked your EV-S9000. The drive needs to be serviced and new
adjusted. Some weak soldering needs to be fixed at the power supply,
the scart connectors and the inner front board. The heads are still
very good. I guess there are 2000hours left. I calculate 230Eur for
the service and 38 for the drive adjustment kit. On a net bill this
corresponds to 217Eur.
07-31-2017, 12:18 PM
juhok juhok is offline
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Sold for 100 €.
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