Hi !
So I i'm working on finding the pinout of the Fujinon lens with a hirose female shell size 10 & 12 pins
Lens type S16x6.7BMD-D29, so BMD series
I want to confirm this or increase information level on this
1. Input - Zoom control
2. Input - Focus control
3. Output - Vref +4.50V
4. Output - 11.32V
5. Input - No idea what it's doing, another mode ?
6. Input - Iris mode, Local Manual / Camera Auto
7. Ground 0V
8. Input - Mode ??
9. Input - Mode servo on focus
10. Input - Mode ??
11. Output - Vref +2.25V
12. Ouput - Vref +6.67V
So i'm able to control zooming by control of pin 1 connecting via a protection resistor like 10k to ground or +11.32V, zoom servo is also working putting via protection resistor +11.32V on pin 9, and a pot with wiper to focus control pin 2, pot min to 0V and max to +11.32V
For now I don't really know what pin 5, 8 and 10 are doing, pin mode 8 seems to be the zoom speed, slow speed when put high via protection resistor to +11.32V
Pin 3 vref +4.50V is maybe for some logic in certain types of remote ?
Pin 11 vref ?? +2.25V maybe ''low side'' for the focus & iris pot
Pin 12 vref ?? +6.67V maybe for ''high side'' for the focus & iris pot
Since the pot is not full range when putting 0V and +11.32V on wiper min and max
Thanks !!