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Gary34 01-19-2024 02:34 PM

TBC 3000 captures in black and white?
1 Attachment(s)
My TBC 3000 moves the image to the right and it captures in black and white.

lordsmurf 01-19-2024 04:13 PM

Ah, hell. I was afraid your unicorn TBC-3000 5th find was too good to be true. :(

Before we proceed to the likely necessary step of recapping it....

Are you sure that you've not damaged the s-video I/O ports, by using fat-header "name brand" (Monster = junk) cables? You should only use s-video cables that glide like butter, not something that requires any force to insert. The DataVideo ports are somewhat unreasonably tight, but the cables are at least equally at fault, if not more at fault.

Rolling B&W is often a cables issue, but it can also be one of many wonky caps/chips issues.

You did mention "captures", so have you already properly eliminated the capture card for troubleshooting? Because improper setting it to PAL or SECAM can result in similar issues.

For that matter, did you mess with any of the internal DIP on the TBC, knock it to PAL mode?

Gary34 01-19-2024 07:31 PM


Are you sure that you've not damaged the s-video I/O ports, by using fat-header "name brand" (Monster = junk) cables?
used these This is the first I have actually used the TBC 3000. I never turned it on until after I got my UPS. The svideo cable has only been plugged in once.


You did mention "captures", so have you already properly eliminated the capture card for troubleshooting? Because improper setting it to PAL or SECAM can result in similar issues.
I captured then when I saw it was black and white I hooked it directly to my CRT and it was black and white then I hooked just my VCR to the TV and it looked normal. The shifting might be just the CRT though. It’s not a good CRT but I know the black and white is the TBC. I’ll check out the other a video and the composite though. Hopefully it turns out good but I took a gamble and I got warned so I just gotta go from there. The TBC was kept in good condition inside his house. The guy is a college professor. I still think he told me the truth on everything but I’m always taking a gamble buying from someone off of the marketplace. Anyways maybe I lucked out maybe not. It’s not looking like it. We shall see.

I haven’t messed with the DIPs.

lordsmurf 01-19-2024 10:14 PM

I can't see how easily or resistant those cables are, or any cables. You tell me what you feel.

Facebook marketplace, correct?

Being a professors means nothing really. And he probably did tell the truth. But it's all about storage and usage conditions, from day 1 to now. And even then, components age, used or not.

It's probably caps. Paging Diopter_Doctor, another TBC needs a doctor. :laugh:

Gary34 01-19-2024 11:24 PM

7 Attachment(s)
I came home. plugged it up and it is working now. IDK what the deal was before but I will mess with it more tomorrow. Regardless if this works or not it's still A stupid idea to buy stuff off of Facebook. I just gambled on that whole thing. I had just went to that guys house and I saw how clean he was and where he kept everything. I talked to him for a little bit and didn't test a damn thing. When I said it's risky to buy stuff off of the marketplace I meant away from the DigitalFaq marketplace.

-- merged --

This is a cable issue. I bought some real Thin SVideo cables on Ebay. They said they were new. Anyways they do not work going from my Panasonic 1980P AG to my TBC 3000 but when I used my thicker Panasonic Svideo cable it worked fine. I still have one of the Ebay ones going out of my TBC 3000 to my card though. I got that Panasonic Cable from Savers. I hate to use the Panasonic cable because its like 6 foot long. I am soo glad this is a cable issue.

-- merged --

Here's (test_13) with the good cable and my TBC turned on on my Pannasonic.

aramkolt 01-20-2024 09:28 AM

If it was via S-Video, I'd guess that the chroma wire wasn't making good contact either on the input or output jacks. I'd probably use some deoxit on the cable end and plug it in and out a few times on both sides. That wouldn't explain it if it was composite going in though.

lordsmurf 01-20-2024 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Gary34 (Post 94254)
This is a cable issue.
I am soo glad this is a cable issue.

Phew! Me too! :hot:

I was dreading it being anything else from your first post. :praying:

So, as I suspected all along, it was a cabling issue.

But this was actually a cheap cable (bad internal contact) issue. This is very uncommon. Lucky you, right? This failure is also likely inside the header of the cheap cable, not making proper contact. In general, thin cables just spew noise (dot patterning), and are avoided for that reason. Normal s-video cable issues are due to the headers not make proper contact, often from being a fat POS.

Lessons =
- Be careful with TBCs, VCRs, and cables.
- Be meticulous in troubleshooting.

With DataVideo TBCs failing in droves in the past 5 years, even I was jumping to the recap conclusion a bit early. Shame! Good on you for continued to troubleshoot carefully.

Gary34 01-20-2024 06:31 PM

Yeah I thought about you saying that when I woke up and then I thought well I did change the cable when I hooked up the VCR so then I tried the Panasonic cable. Now I just need to find two good Svideo cables that are three feet or under.

I have kind of learned how bad of an idea buying like I bought is. I have no recourse for anything if something is messed up and the seller might not know. It’s pretty likely and also there are a lot of people that buy like I did get screwed then try to recoup some of the losses by selling it. Maybe I won’t have to learn that lesson the hard way but I’m sure a lot of people do.

Anyways hopefully it’s good.

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