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thestarswitcher 12-01-2018 03:51 PM

PAL VCR blowout, bad power converter?
Hi DigitalFAQ,

So to put it simply, I've had this VCR since July-ish(?), and I've never had a problem with it. It's a JVC HR-S9600 from Germany. I'm based in the USA.

I was capturing a tape today, and all of a sudden, it just stopped working, and the voltage converter made the entire room smell like smoke for a good 20 minutes. It was steaming hot, (the cable from the VCR and end bits, weren't however).

I tested the surge protection power strip on one of my USA VCRs- luckily they both worked fine.

What went wrong here? Well to be honest, the converter is plugged in almost all the time, very rarely is it not. This is the one I have.

Now obviously, I'm a little bit paranoid to buy another converter and have the VCR blow up on me, but at the same time, I don't know if the VCR suffered any damage. There's no smell coming from inside the unit. What are the next steps to do, to make sure this operation is done extremely safe in future? I don't know if the VCR suffered any damage, again.

Thank you in advance!

Quasipal 12-02-2018 05:59 PM

I work in electrical safety and that unit would fail my tests - and I have not even got one here! Markings are a 60950 failure for a start and so with that said I would say that this is a potentially dangerous item that has not been safety tested and approved. I would not plug one in to the mains. And no shutters on the 240V out!

Probably just the unit has failed but I can't say for sure. Hopefully the VCR has its own protection. Please, spend a little more and get something with a known brand name and approvals. Otherwise you may well end up with a fire or worse!

thestarswitcher 12-02-2018 08:54 PM

Hi QuasiPal!

Thanks for being the first one to reply back! I really do hope with my heart the VCR is still working.. I was always suspicious of that particular voltage converter; I only bought it because friends recommended it after it worked with theirs. I'd rather have an American branded one. Since your the electrical expert, what's the best (and most importantly, SAFEST) voltage converter I can buy for this VCR? Thanks! (I'm based in the USA)

Quasipal 12-03-2018 05:21 AM

Being in the UK its difficult for me to see what is available inthe US as many shops and searches won't yeild the same results. So my suggestion is to look on Amazon but not at marketplace sellers. You really need a valid UL file number. You can confirm this online at UL.

I don't have any particular suggestions but Amazon is a good start.

thestarswitcher 12-03-2018 07:51 AM

I just bought this, based on your suggestions and very careful selection. Given if the player isn’t fried (prayers), hopefully this is a safe unit? Instapark ITU-200 Step Up/Down Voltage Transformer Converter Heavy Duty – AC 110/220v – 200 Watt

Would really suck if this player broke, cost me a good $250ish

lordsmurf 12-03-2018 10:29 AM

You should not have used a step converter, but merely a plug shape adapter.
JVC VCRs are all 110/120 to 220/240 rated.
Some say it, some do not -- but all still do it.

The plug shape adapters are at.under $5 on Amazon or eBay.

thestarswitcher 12-03-2018 11:27 AM

I don’t believe that’s correct- I live in a 110~120V region, surely if I just plug in a 220V electronic into my wall, that would cause a problem like a fire. Without proper voltage conversion, it can blow out.

lordsmurf 12-03-2018 11:40 AM

I'm in USA as well, and have multiple JVC S-VHS PAL decks. All are 110/120-220/240. If you plug a 220 item into a 110 plug, it will simply underpower, and likely not power on whatsoever.

The reason that some of these don't show 110/120 is because they're not UL rated, only CE.

My JVC HR-S7600E shows only 220/240, but then shows 50/60 Hz. The 60 is the tell-tale, as the only reason for 60 is 110/120. Your 9600E power sticker is likely the same as my 7600.

My 7965EK shows 110/120-220/240 ~ 50/60Hz. The decks are very comparable.

thestarswitcher 12-03-2018 12:10 PM

Are you sure? How often/long do you keep these units plugged in? Wouldn’t the underpower put stress on the player? I had a 110-220 player which literally just powered off forever- assuming something had to do with the dual voltage compatibility of the machines.

lordsmurf 12-03-2018 12:17 PM

You're misunderstanding. No underpower is happening, the units are 110-240.

You said something about causing a fire with 220 in a 110. That's unlikely. The usual issue with 220 in a 110 is just not working, underpower. But that doesn't apply here, because the VCR is 110-240.

thestarswitcher 12-03-2018 12:31 PM

Is there anybody here who has my type of player that can try this out before I do? I’m still understandably a little paranoid after the series of events.

lordsmurf 12-03-2018 01:41 PM

The 7600 and 9600 are not too different.

The VCR is probably fine, as it does have it's own protections. JVC decks are resilient.

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