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lordsmurf 02-04-2024 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by latreche34 (Post 94514)
Yes, I'm aware you have some DV boxes, I was talking about the rest of us who most of don't have such devices.

I'm actually curious what you do have. :)

latreche34 02-04-2024 04:14 AM

I switched to SDI and got rid of all USB capture devices with the exception of the Pinnacle 500-USB that I'm saving for its DV/D8 to USB capability, I've got a couple of BE75 and a couple of S&W TBS800, Wanted to experiment with the Singmai SM03 but I'm not paying $1000 just to test it.

keaton 02-05-2024 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Gary34 (Post 90968)
Feel free to delete it if you want but this guy is so bad about misleading people and acting like some kind of expert. Idk maybe those people are best off just ignoring. Some ppl are just gonna think what they want but it’s be nice if they wouldn’t act like experts and tell everyone else to do that.

A Youtuber behaving like an expert with simplified and/or misleading information about advanced topics?! Get out of town! Really?! :wink2:

Sorry, I don't normally post unless I have something on topic to share. But on the topic of youtube, I just couldn't resist. It's not my intent to make light of your situation or have fun with your misfortunes. It's an attempt at humor to cope with the reality of the internet being an ocean full of inaccurate or incomplete information.

I suppose it's no different than any part of the internet. It's a real struggle to find the people who have valuable wisdom and experience to share, because of the saturation of people posting content. And, of course, so many parrot what others' say. So it amplifies the bad information. My experience is it's very rare for a channel with really high view counts to be made by an expert on a subject. So that makes youtube a hard place to find quality information. I'm glad you've found this forum. I'm very grateful I found it early on and didn't waste a lot of time and money from bad advice.

Even when I found this wonderful oasis and gathered lots of information from the most knowledgeable and experienced people, I still take the approach of deciding what is best for me. All of the experts don't agree on everything, and so I have to figure it out myself. This field especially has a lot of room for different preferences or tastes. So the best a video can do is tell you "here's what I'm doing, here's how I'm doing it, and hopefully why they're doing it". But it can't tell me if that's the best approach for me. Only I know that. I've made it a serious hobby and I don't want to "hack" or get results quick. I've gathered that's a thing more common amongst the younger generation, who is the biggest demographic of youtube creators and viewers. If I am interested in something, I want to understand it thoroughly so I am confident in what I'm doing is correct, or at least what is good enough for me. Anyway, I think that's the spirit of this forum. Share what you've experienced but also encourage people to make educated decisions the best that they can. If you wish to get above average results with digitizing and improving analog video, it takes a lot of study and practice. Perhaps that's the big difference between the "hack" approach and the wanting to take my time and learn approach. Very difficult to take your time and learn if you don't have a genuine interest, because it takes a lot of time and brain power. :)

Gary34 02-05-2024 11:46 PM

Ow well, there’s a ton of people like that. I’m not following that stuff now.

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