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tobylars83 02-11-2024 02:55 PM

Cannot get Huffy to install again?
JEeeeeeeze I am so peeved trying to get Huffy installed to Vdub on Windows 7 I could just scream! I have read every instructions I can find in this forum and many other places.
I figured out how to enable administrator and change to Admin as user.

I have followe these intructions to the tee and still INSTALLATION FAILED errors

I got Huffy installed on my first windows 7 machine and it is working but I did that with help of some one over the phone and they are unavailable and I dont remember how we ultimatley did it.

Then after that I have to figure out how to install the drivers for the ATI TV Wonder 600 usb dongle. I am struggling with the two part RAR file. Any advice would be appreciated.
I am sure I am doing something wrong but I have been trying for two damn days!
rant over

How to Install Huffyuv 32-bit in Windows 64-bit

This is how to install HuffYUV on Windows Vista 64 or Windows 7 64:

Step 1: Download HuffYUV from somewhere -- preferably somewhere reliable, like this site. Then unzip/unrar it to your C:\ drive**. Open up a command prompt (DOS box), while logged in with a user account that has administrative privileges.
If you're not sure what "administrative privileges" means, then let's try this explanation:
Go to the Start menu, and go to Run or the Run box to the left of the start/power button (where you shut down or sleep your computer).
Type in cmd and then press ctrl+shift (either side of keyboard is fine, left or right) and then press enter while still holding ctrl+shift. Don't press enter by itself or click OK.
If you've done it correctly, then the little black DOS box will say "Administrator: Command Prompt" in the on-screen text.
Step 2: Assuming your copy of Windows was installed with the standard method (C:\Windows), navigate to the SysWOW64 folder.
In the little black DOS box, type cd c:\windows\syswow64 and then press enter.
Step 3: Again, in the DOS box, type rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 0 c:\huffyuv.inf and press enter.
Pay close attention to the spacing (or lack thereof). And that's a "zero" in the last half of the command, not the letter "O". There's no space around that comma. What you type has to match perfectly.
If there are no error messages, then it has installed correctly.
If there was an error, then you probably were not installing it with administrator privileges enabled. Re-read Step 1!
That's all you have to do.

lordsmurf 02-11-2024 03:40 PM

Don't do that, use this:

If you still have Win7 on "anal security mode", which comes turned on by default, it may be thwarting you. It's been so long since I had to tune down the security, that I don't even know what it's called anymore. Wait, no UAC. Tune down your UAC to a less onerous setting.

tobylars83 02-11-2024 03:54 PM

So do this then?

A modern pair of MS-Windows installers (x86/x64) for the HuffYUV lossless video codec (fourcc code HFYU) version 2.1.1, replacing the .inf install script and complicated installation instructions for recent versions of Windows.

To install:

Download the .msi file that matches your VirtualDub ('x86' or 'x64') from releases.
Press the Windows key, type cmd, find the "Command Prompt" App, and click "Run As Administrator".
In the command prompt, switch to the directory where you downloaded the .msi file, then type in the name of the .msi file to run it. For example:
cd C:\Users\hofmand\Downloads
If it says, "Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting.", click on "More info" and then "Run anyway".

lordsmurf 02-11-2024 04:10 PM

Use D. Hofman's (hofmand) MSI installer, yes, correct. Install the 32-bit version.

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