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latreche34 03-14-2024 07:47 AM

Youtube video capture advice can be awful!
I just want to share a link to a Youtube video of a guy (most likely very young) that is showing the best way to "digitize" miniDv tapes using Linux, because according to him miniDV tapes are not digital and the only way to get the best quality is to use Linux not Windows OS.

This is the kind of videos feeding wrong informations to people and they come here confused with a lot of questions. This is just one area of the many areas of videos about video.

lordsmurf 03-14-2024 08:21 AM

There are a lot of ignorant kids (teens, even 20s) running around TikTok, Youtube, Reddit, and others places, spounting off complete BS (not just with video, but everything). Their defense is always shouting "boomer!!!" (even when we're GenX), ignoring that their "facts" are bunk. We live in the age of disinformation and misinformation now, in the 2020s.

This too will pass. But people that believed them will be worse off at a later date.

This isn't that different from those who lose everything in Ponzi schemes. They did not vet, no research, and they will lose money/time/property/etc because of it. So gullible watchers are just as culpable.

latreche34 03-14-2024 09:04 AM

That video is probably stemmed from this one that claims batch conversion of DV tapes using Linux when in fact all he is doing is transferring tapes manually one by one just like you would do with WinDV or Sclive, He even used the exact same shape of USB flash drive, Coincidence?

By the way you misspelled capture when you edited the title.

lordsmurf 03-14-2024 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by latreche34 (Post 95434)
By the way you misspelled capture when you edited the title.

Yeah, I just saw that. I'm in a cast right now, typing one handed. :depressed:

latreche34 03-14-2024 09:55 AM

Cast? What happened?

Aya_Rei 03-14-2024 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by latreche34 (Post 95431)
I just want to share a link to a Youtube video of a guy (most likely very young) that is showing the best way to "digitize" miniDv tapes using Linux, because according to him miniDV tapes are not digital and the only way to get the best quality is to use Linux not Windows OS.

This is the kind of videos feeding wrong informations to people and they come here confused with a lot of questions. This is just one area of the many areas of videos about video.

I will even say that this method is more complicated that it needs to be for such a task, while I never used Linux myself, I understand how it's mainly used for those who are more technologically inclined. Sure this might be simple for those who have used Linux and know how to work with commands, but for somebody like myself who is way more familiar and comfortable with using Windows, and to a less extent MacOS, just using WinDV and the necessary cables works just as well and is way, way more easy to understand in my eyes.

Heck, I figured out how to transfer MiniDV tapes myself from a YouTube video. This one to be specific, sure I had to buy 3 cables and make this Firewire to Thunderbolt to Thunderbolt 3 daisy chain of adapters since I didn't have an old PC that supported Firewire, just a modern laptop that supported Thunderbolt 3. But after setting all the cables up, it worked flawlessly with WinDV being able to recognize the camera's feed and was able to capture what the camera plays back.

lordsmurf 03-14-2024 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Aya_Rei (Post 95437)
I will even say that this method is more complicated that it needs to be

You are correct! :congrats:


I never used Linux myself, I understand how it's mainly used for those who are more technologically inclined.
A lot of people use Linux to feel superior to others, and don't even understand it that well themselves. I remember seeing lots of that when Win95 came out, and people who knew DOS tries to act superior. Using a CLI (command line interface) doesn't make you smarter or better.

The kid/person in that Youtube video was using a "live boot" version, which is pretty craptastic for any serious task, since it lacks swap. That alone will cause data thrashing and dropped frames. Same reason you should never use the OS drive to capture anything, it's too busy/noisy, data interrupted. The Youtuber doesn't know what he doesn't know.

Meanwhile, I operate multiple Linux desktops (Xubuntu, Mint), and multiple Linux servers (CloudLinux, Alma). Just tools for tasks. Video is the wrong task for Linux (exception = ffmpeg).


Originally Posted by latreche34 (Post 95436)
Cast? What happened?

Unknown. I just woke up in pain about 2 weeks ago. I still have massive damage from my MS attack back in 2012. You don't get paralyzed, and then fully recover, without some lasting side effects. At least I'm off the heavy painkillers now, which mostly knocked me out. But this (removable) cast may be here for another month. :depressed:

lordsmurf 03-27-2024 01:55 AM

This popped up on my Chromecast a few days ago:

It's 40 minutes of rambling incoherent BS about the "evil corporations" somehow magically making DVDs "rot". It's anti-science blah-blah mumbo-jumbo. Zero data to back up the wild claims. This is what happens when the person has no technical understanding, and just "shoots from the hip" with whatever headcanon nonsense and conspiracy he can ramble off.

Most of the commenters are equally ignorant.

Stupid goes beyond politics. :rolleyes:

latreche34 03-27-2024 08:06 AM

It's typical with these movie collectors, They turn their hobby into politics to stay busy, and they brag about how much they know including names that most people don't know or care about. We've seen it across multiple hobbies, most of what they say is personal opinions detached from reality, It's sort of fantasy.

lordsmurf 03-28-2024 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by latreche34 (Post 95791)
It's typical with these movie collectors,

I was a toon collector (some live-action TV, some movies) in the 90s-00s, before morons like that came around. I officially retired from the hobby in the late 00s, partially due to life, partially due to working for studios and needed to avoid conflict of interest. Also because my collection was large, and I needed time to watch it -- and I mostly have now.

What you see now are bad collectors.
- Profiteers, people only in those circles for the $$$ (including "influencers" that only do this to bring in ad eyeballs and make $$$)
- Hoarders, people that "collect" without ever having time to watch all the tapes/discs/files they buy or trade.

Torrents and cheap "box sets" brought them in, not really true fandom for the shows.

Streaming mostly killed off the collecting/trading scene by the mid 10s, because we just wanted to watch the shows, and now we could. We were not in it to spend time/$$$ to collect a room full of "my precious!" tapes, discs, etc. Collecting the shows on tapes/discs was more due to need at the time, since it was the only way to watch.

I sometimes participate in /vhs on Reddit, because it's neat to see people learn how we watched TV in the 80s/90s. Some conversion topics, some old-school collectors/fans there. But some of them are nuts, cluttered masses of tapes that fill the room, tapes they'll never watch. I don't that, and never will.

Most collectors/fans want to watch the shows, not sit around and bitch-and-moan. That was always an easy tell to see what sort of collector/trader/fan they were.

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