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oddmykyta 04-19-2024 11:15 PM

Best capture workflow for Hi8 tapes?

I’m currently working on a project that requires some fresh filmed hi8 tapes to be digitalised.
Some time ago i used kinda crappy grabber that worked ok for what i needed. Now it requires much better overall quality. Thats why i ordered gv usb2 as being highly recommended device.
Now the camcorder that im using is Sony ccd trv 228e, which i guess has built in TBC since even with crappy grabber i always got stable image with very small amount of noise. All my tapes are recorded in PAL and i was always using S Video output.
However, now that i’ve got gv usb2, the quality was actually mind blowing, but i also have got some strange(i guess due to overscan) coloured bar on the right side of an image, i already saw similar question but couldn’t find the solution about them.
I commonly used Sony ME Hi8 tapes, but recently found the info about them being the trickiest in terms of capture workflow. Now im waiting for fujifilm tapes to compare if it is the deal.
The simpliest option for me would be to crop the image but the amount of info i will be losing this way is terrible. I also thought that it would be a nice option to get a D8 firewire camcorder and transfer my analogue via its built in digital encoder. According to the info about DV format on Digitalfaq its also not worth it.
So as mentioned in the title, i would glad to hear the recommendations the best capturing workflow for them using my camcorder and other hardware that is possible to get now in a reasonable price range. What lossless capture device should i get at this point? Thanks in advance

lordsmurf 04-20-2024 02:04 AM

Mask, don't crop. What you describe is overscan, and normal.

The cheap grabber was butchering your videos, likely zooming in the image to remove overscan.

D8 cameras tend to transfer analog Video8/Hi8 quite poorly.

Ideal capture workflow is standard workflow:
Hi8 camera with line TBC > external frame TBC > quality lossless capture card

V8/Hi8 tapes are drop-happy, signals can be very unstable, some form of frame TBC is required to not have problems (image issues, or just usability issues).

oddmykyta 04-20-2024 04:50 AM

Thx! still have few questions

oddmykyta 04-20-2024 04:56 AM

Thanks. I see, thats what i was thinking. But still, what lossless capture card should i get? im flexible about OS but currently using win 10 or MacOs. Also, is there any way to get rid of overscan manually without cropping it(possibly software?). Thanks again

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