With Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, it is easy to edit FLV/F4V in Premiere without additional tools.
However, for Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 user, or other Premiere version without FLV support, it is still a problem. What's more, CS4 does not support FLV in all codecs. Here is the message I got in CS4, when importing FLV with nellymoser and FLV with screen video. Actually the two files are less than 2 MB.
How to make premiere compatible with FLV video with nellymoser or screen video? The solution could be as easy as install an import plug-in to premiere. And then you can import and edit FLV in premiere like other video formats.
I would like to share my experience in making FLV video with nellymoser supported by Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 version 4.2. I can edit the files on timeline, cut file and compose as I like after the successful import.
Step 1. Download and install the
import plug-in for premiere.
A dialog box with the premiere on machine is listed for selection like below. Check the version and click to continue installation.
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Step 2. Run Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.
I created a project with videotest as the project name.
Step 3. Browse to load FLV video.
In the file browser you may notice "Moyea Importer Plug-in" in file of type drop-down list, which indicates the plug-in is successfully installed.
Choose the FLV file with nellymoser and FLV file with screen video, and they are then loaded to CS4. Below is the file properties window in CS4. Right click on the video item and choose Properties to view this window:
Then drag the file to timeline for Video1 and compose with other files.
The steps above also work with Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, 2.0, Elements 8, 7. With the import plug-in, you can edit FLV with various codec in premiere, like H.264/AVC, H.263, mp3, ADPCM, nellymoser, on2 vp6, on2 with alpha channel, screen video, pcm and F4V file.