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koberulz 09-02-2020 02:43 AM

What are you doing here though? I'm not really seeing any tangible suggestions.

dpalomaki 09-02-2020 11:01 AM


My problem with this advice is that I'm not sure what they'd do any different than what we're doing here.

Read more:
Is that an offer to process the tape for the OP?


What are you doing here though? I'm not really seeing any tangible suggestions.

Read more:
Not sure I understand what the question is referring to?

koberulz 09-04-2020 12:09 PM

Basically all anyone has said is "you'll need to break the VCR to match the tape, but don't do that", which isn't very helpful.

dpalomaki 09-04-2020 01:53 PM


Basically all anyone has said is "you'll need to break the VCR to match the tape, but don't do that", which isn't very helpful.

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No. What we are saying is that breaking a VCR might recover usable linear track audio if the problem is the original linear track recording is significantly out of alignment or linear stereo that was recorded out of phase. That is a big IF. There are other, arguably as likely reasons, for the near silent linear track as noted in earlier posts in this thread, in which case you recover nothing.

Second: Breaking VCR in a meaningful way to perform diagnostics requires some understanding of a VHS VCR's internals and technician skills. And likely access to the service manual for the VCR and test equipment, if one hopes to restore the VCR it to proper alignment. Lacking these one will likely end up with nothing but a broken VCR and possibly a tape that is damaged further. And breaking the VCR will not likely recover the HiFI tracks.

If the audio that should be on the tape is important, and you do not have the skill set to accomplish the above, then your options are to find someone who does or forget it.

There has also be some brief discussion of an approach to reconstruct meaningful (though not original) audio, and an alternative that might produce possibly understandable but ugly audio.

So the bottom line is it is your VCR, a Sports Club's tape that is in your custody, and your risk.

latreche34 09-04-2020 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by koberulz (Post 71240)
Basically all anyone has said is "you'll need to break the VCR to match the tape, but don't do that", which isn't very helpful.

Are you even sure the VCR is miss aligned? Have you even attempted to open the top cover and clean the audio head first before you start messing things up? It looks like everyone is trying hard to help but without any input or feedback from you their help is no more than just good guesses. An online forum cannot do magic you should be aware of that.

koberulz 09-05-2020 04:07 AM

If it was related to my VCR, the issue wold go away if I changed VCR and remain present if I changed tapes. Neither is the case.

latreche34 09-05-2020 08:37 AM

I have no clue what you are talking about, maybe you are using a translator. But the issue won't go away by doing nothing, Ever heard of process of elimination?

dpalomaki 09-05-2020 09:31 AM

The problem is related to the original recording, probably not your VCRs. It could be a problem with the original recording, the VCR that made your copy, or the VCR settings used when the copy was made, or the connection methods used to connect the audio to the copy VCR. There is no way to tell from the information you have provided so far.

There may be a VCR somewhere that can read the apparently weak Hi-Fi track that your VCR cannot read reliably. "Braking" a VCR linear track head alignment is a way to test if there is recoverable audio in the linear track. A forensic lab that works on video tapes could do this for you, but it may cost dearly, with no assurance of success. They can't recover what isn't recoverable.

The issue may well be that koberulz is in over his head with respect to technologies involved; i.e., does not understand the basics of a VCR or VHS recordings beyond typical consumer knowledge. I suspect the only suggestion he might be able to implement is to turn the tape over to a qualified service provider, but only if the forum were to point him to one. However, I suspect that following that advice, if provided, would be unlikely.

Perhaps, like some others we know of he just wants to exchange posts, carry on a dialogue with someone, in this COVID-19 hunker-down, social distancing era. His thing is VHS audio, not optical media.

koberulz 09-05-2020 09:56 AM


Yes, clearly the problem is that I'm too stupid. You've cracked the case!

lordsmurf 09-05-2020 11:03 AM

I'm just not sure what else it could be. My inclination is a (signal) record-time issue. Maybe some odd recording method, but unlikely. The last possibility is hardware, really the only thing to attempt, but I'm not convinced that's it.

Some errors are really tricky.

dpalomaki 09-05-2020 11:44 AM

I didn't say "stupid" (that was your word, not mine). What I said is that it requires certain knowledge and skills that you apparently have not yet developed. Your choices are to either develop the required knowledge and skills, have someone else diagnose and perhaps recover the tape for you, abandon the project, or continue to stew about it with no results.

Until some new information is presented I have nothing more to add to this thread.

BW37 09-06-2020 01:41 PM


Try doing a search of this forum on "hi-fi audio tracking". Enter that in the box above the "Google Custom Search" text. There are a lot of interesting threads that discuss audio tracking problems and possible solutions including trying different VCR's, alignment adjustment (with lots of caveats so read up on this well before attempting it), etc.


koberulz 09-11-2020 02:39 AM

It's been through four or five different VCRs, so that's definitely not the issue. I'll have to look through the other things.

timtape 09-17-2020 01:04 PM

Coming late to this. I think the OP said when the HiFi track worked there was audio only on the left channel.The left channel in linear is at the very top edge of the tape. The heads on the VCR's used may be just missing this but would read the right channel if it was there.

Alternatively perhaps this tape has a crease at the top edge, running right through the tape, from previous tape damage, so it no longer contacts the head intimately on that top left track. Dont laugh but sometimes we set up a Q Tip to gently press the creased tape against the head to restore contact.

For experts in tape transfer, "breaking" is a regular day to day thing, not a last ditch attempt. So adjusting head azimuth to the tape is done on every single tape for best sound. Adjusting head height is not as common but is also done, but in both cases you need to know what you are doing, of course.

I just noticed that the OP and I appear to live in the same city. I'd assumed they were in the US. Happy to help if needed.

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