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stevevid 09-15-2018 07:10 PM

Avisynth: How to use .avsi, load complex filters?
This is related to information in the thread I am splitting this question out because the process required to use a user-defined function and some filters in AviSyth can apply to different situations.

Ok, I'm running on the edge of understanding using user-defined functions and using plugins that contain more than just a dll. I'll start with what I think I know.

Post 10 of the related thread calls for the use of the function ContrastMask. It is not listed anywhere in the AviSynth wiki. I finally found a link in DigitalFAQ. ContrastMask is a script as opposed to a dll. After rereading the AviSynth wiki I figured out that this script is a user-defined function. To get it to work you have to change its extension from avs to avsi and load it in AviSyth's plugins folder. This way it will be loaded automatically by AviSynth.

Now for the really fuzzy part. The script that Sanlyn suggested for my really dark video clip calls ContrastMask. When I run the script, ContrastMask is found but I get an error that the filter GaussianBlur cannot be found. I found GaussianBlut in the AviSnth wiki as part of the broader VariableBlur filter. I'm stuck trying to figure out how to install/use VariableBlur filter. There's a dll and sub-folders to go with it. How do I place this in AviSynth's plugin structure?


lordsmurf 09-16-2018 03:34 AM

1 Attachment(s)
You seem to already understand this.

Complex scripts loaded as avsi usually call upon multiple filters, some of which have multiple functions.
It's very case-by-case.
You have to locate not just each filter, but sometimes a specific version of a filter.

For VariableBlur(), just load the variableblur.dll in the plugins folder. The subfolder in the zip file is just source code, not needed. and a readme that is also not needed (in that plugins folder).

stevevid 09-16-2018 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by lordsmurf (Post 56192)

For VariableBlur(), just load the variableblur.dll in the plugins folder. The subfolder in the zip file is just source code, not needed. and a readme that is also not needed (in that plugins folder).


I had read this somewhere in the past. But, when faced with an actual situation, I didn't recognize this was what the instructions were for. Result: I failed to follow the instructions. :smack:

sanlyn 09-17-2018 04:29 PM

Most Avisynth filters and many VDub filters are supplied as compressed "packages" of multiple files, including the filter and usually some documentation such as instructions or html help, or even source code. Don't download those packaged zips into your plugins folder, because when you decompress them you'll get all kinds of files that don't belong in your plugin folders. You'll soon have a plugin folder that's a huge mess.

Create folders on a hard drive on your PC or, better, on an external drive. Use those one or two folders as dedicated areas for filter downloads. Make a subfolder for each filter (I have about 500 of them) and download into those subfolders, where you will unzip those downloads. That way, you'll always know where your original download is located and where you can find other links and docs for those filters. All you need in your plugin folders are copies of the original filters. And if you have a system crash or reinstall, you'll always be able to find all those downloaded folders and filters.

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