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JOH898 09-06-2023 07:31 AM

Panasonic SV-5000W VHS has frame TBC?
Hi all. Please can you help a novice.

I gather that I need a TBC on my unit for VHS analogue to digital.

Can anyone please advise me as to whether the Panasonic SV-5000W is a good machine to do this. I am not sure if it has a TBC within it, but if it doesn't would it still be a good machine to use.

I am told by the person selling it that it has transferred many tapes successfully.

Thanks for reading this I hope someone can give some advice.

latreche34 09-06-2023 09:59 AM

I highly doubt it it's a Panasonic VCR, More of a Samsung to me. If so, then no it does not have a TBC, It's a regular VHS VCR with composite out, nothing special other than being a multi standard converter.

hodgey 09-06-2023 12:19 PM

If you mean the Samsung SV-5000W, I have the 7000W which is mostly the same and it does fully buffer the signal and it seems to act sort of like a "frame tbc" when its set to convert between signals, it even seemed to blank out the vertical blanking area and remove macrovision. I haven't stress tested it though beyond checking that it handled basic stuff fast forward/rewind and playback so idk how it would handle more tricky material. It doesn't have any fancy horizontal stabilization functionality like some dvd-recorders either, and ofc it's composite only and requires going from one tv system to another so it's not ideal, especially not with PAL (NTSC might be a bit less bad since you could go e.g NTSC -> NTSC 4.43). The internal vcr output will also not go via the digitizer path unless you either set it to convert tv system, pause/ffwd/rewind, or use the "art" functions which degrades the image in it's own way.

JOH898 09-13-2023 03:20 AM

Thanks for you help people.

mbassiouny 10-09-2023 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by latreche34 (Post 92381)
I highly doubt it it's a Panasonic VCR, More of a Samsung to me.

You're right. It is branded as a Samsung, so it makes sense to call it a Samsung. But it is basically a rebadge of a Panasonic device, so I think it is not wrong to call it a Panasonic :hmm:


Originally Posted by hodgey (Post 92382)
it does fully buffer the signal and it seems to act sort of like a "frame tbc" when its set to convert between signals, it even seemed to blank out the vertical blanking area and remove macrovision. I haven't stress tested it though

I like your phrasing, it was honest.

When you force standard conversion (which by itself adds some unneeded quality loss) Macrovision is removed and there is some sort of buffering, and some sort weak (fake) tbc-ish frame sync effect BUT It is NOT equivalent to a Frame TBC.

I just stress-tested these with my Gear (Panasonic AG-W, datavideo tbc, capture card, etc). I was very easily able to find a scenario where I drop/insert frames with the VCR converting standard BUT the frame TBC eliminated the frame drop/insert.

And videos suffering from tearing (aka flagging), remained teared obviously due to the lack of line TBC.

So for future reference, the phrasing should always remain "SORT OF" at best as hodgey said, but I would personally avoid mentioning it at all to avoid confusion since it does NOT remove the need for a Frame TBC nor a Line TBC.


The Panasonic multistandard VCRs (AG-W/ aka Samsung 5000w/7000W) are not very bad, but definitely not good, nor even close to the best. Even old devices like FS-88/FS-100 (in PAL Land) beat it in terms of quality. For people in Eu there is no reason to get it, at worst do PAL60 it will be better if done in good VCR. For people in the US, use a native NTSC deck if you want NTSC. If You need PAL, it is not very costly to import a proper Native PAL deck (with TBC, etc) From EU to US (but US>EU is much more expensive due to customs notably).

Imho, these decks (along with many others) can only be justified if you want PAL-N/PAL-M. Or if you want to digitize NTSC/PAL in an Asian PAL/NTSC country, where import is not common, shipping is very expensive, takes a lot of time, language barrier, import fees, etc

latreche34 10-10-2023 02:48 AM

Even if it has some sort of signal processing it is still a composite only VCR, I would rather use a basic S-VHS VCR with S-Video and put an ES-15 for line TBC, than use that Samsung multi standard VHS VCR via composite.

lordsmurf 10-10-2023 05:18 AM

The unit does not have a TBC, and mbassiouny is very astute/accurate/correct in his reply. :congrats:

Furthermore, those multi-system VCRs always suck, low end VHS quality on an expensive deck. Just get a proper VCR for the format, preferably S-VHS VCR with line TBC.

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