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Registered members can post questions, view images, or download files from The Digital FAQ forums. We welcome you, and look forward to your questions, answers and involvement at the site. You'll be part of a community of fellow digital media professionals, enthusiasts and newcomers.

Registration is easy, we don't spam, and we don't sell your email address. Enter your desired user name, your valid email address, and other required details in the form below.

Feel free to contact us if there's a problem.
No valid email = no access. Before you can post questions, view images, or download files, you must confirm your registration in the link that will be emailed to this account. This is a double opt-in forum.

Do not use or at this time. Microsoft is blackholing emails for whatever reason, and you will not receive the registration emails.

Disposable (Fake!) Email Accounts: We block all known fake addresses, so don't bother. You cannot use fake information here!

Banned Domains: Due to abuse, certain TLDs/ccTLDs are not allowed. Examples: .cc/.info/.me/.pw/.ws and other cheap/free domains commonly associated with spam. However, after signup, we can manually change your email if needed.

Form Fillers: Software like RoboForm or LastPass, or similar browser plugins, may be considered spam by our registration system, and you will be prevented from registering. Please manually type in the requested information.

ISP Email Accounts: Some ISPs have ridiculous "spam" policies that often block non-spam emails. Our servers are 100% clean and spam-free, but these companies have ridiculous filtering. Some get through okay, and some do not. (You should also ask yourself this: What other emails am I not receiving? Work, family, friends, etc? Not good!)

The worst offender include:
  • AOL
  • AT&T (
  • BOL (Brasil)
  • Cablevision (
  • Comcast
  • Earthlink / Mindspring
  • MSN
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