Originally Posted by khusru
will i lose the surround if i re-encode the audio?
No. Besweet (of other) take the stereo stream in input, resample it, and encode it in output. If the input has Dolby Surround info embedded into the stereo stream, then you will have the same on the output.
Let remember that for any other element than your DPL 1 or 2) decoder, a Dolby Surround encoded audio is just a stereo one.
is there a way i can change to 48000 without re-encoding?
I don't even have to answer that. You know the answer
should i just load up the mp2 in headache and encode with surround2 at 48000?
I'm not sure this is clear in headac3che, and it was not clear on besweet until recenctly (they changed the GUI now to avoid all confusion) : the choice "surround" and "surround2" are two features provided by azid.dll; This dll is used ONLY when you are reducing (we said downmixing) from 5.1 to 2.0 (so ac3 -> mp2). When doign mp2 -> mp2, you can set the mod eyou want, that won't change anythign on the result ! As explain above, if you have surround in the input, you have in the output. If you don't have, you won't have in the output EVEN IF YOU SELECT THE SURROUND2 MODE
Let say this an other way : there is no possibility to "create" a surround channel when it is not present in the source.
For your other question : I never use headac3che so I can't tell you but I think that default are correct.