Hi Everyone,
I think I found an answer to my own question. I used the following
programs and steps. All suggestions and comments welcome.
1) VirtualDub: http://www.virtualdub.org
Got to
File and load your Divx(avi). You'll get some message about the file being
VBR compressed, but just press OK. Then go to
File and then
File Information.
Check Audio Stream -> Compression. If MPEG Layer 3 then it's an
MP3, if unknown then it's AC3. This is important since VirtualDub
will create a .wav file, but you must rename it with the extention .ac3 or
.mp3. Now go to
Audio and check
"Direct Stream Copy". Go to
File ->
Save Wav -> select a file name and process. When done you will have
a wav file. Rename it according to what
File Information indicated.
2) BeSweet: Check
I used the BeSweet GUI to convert the file (.mp3 or .ac3) to .wav un-
compressed. This will usually be big, so make sure your HD has enough
room. I tried this step with Headac3he and it complained that the file
was shorter then the header information, whereas BeSweet ignored the
header and processed the file.
3) Headac3he: http://www.digital-digest.com/dvd/do...headac3he.html
Input the .wav file created from BeSweet and adjust the output to .mp2.
"Options" twice and select the bitrate and type (stereo,DC,joint
stereo). Here you can tell the output file size and adjust to what you need.