Quantcast Headac3he: Two Different Audio Formats in one Stream - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
01-22-2003, 02:44 AM
Jack Jack is offline
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I have a problem with an audio stream. The first few seconds of the stream is in dd 2.0. The rest is in dd 5.1.

When I load this stream in headac3he it just detects that it it a dd 2.0 stream. I this case I can only choose left and right as input channels.

But I want to choose any input channel because after the few seconds the stream has dd 5.1 material.

How can I manage this. In the past I cut the stream until I have just the dd 5.1 material. In this way headac3he detects the stream right.

Is there a better way to encode the source as 5.1 instead of 2.0??
just ask Jack
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01-22-2003, 07:55 AM
SansGrip SansGrip is offline
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Originally Posted by Jack
How can I manage this. In the past I cut the stream until I have just the dd 5.1 material. In this way headac3he detects the stream right.
I can't think of any other way. You could use BeSplit to split the file into two, one part a few seconds long (from the beginning) and the other containing the rest of the file. Then load the second part into HeadAC3he and make sure you trim the video a corresponding amount.

I've never tried splitting an AC3 file before, though, so can't say if that'll work or not.
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