hy all
a few days i see 2 posts of Jell with some like this:
when i encode using dual channel,i have problems(noises?)
in my prologic player....(something like this).
then i search and read tons and some explanations
was not clear about the differences between stereo and dual channel.
my conclusion ...
and maybe this is the reason of Jell problems with dual channel...
examples using 128 bitrate:
128 for the 2 channels of audio!
when one side of the channels need more bitrate then another,
this side will got more bitrate!
if in the right channel have more sound that the left in one moment,
will be used more bitrate for the right and less for the left,
then the side that need more bitrate will got it.
dual channel:
128 for the 2 channels of audio, 64 for the right and 64 for the left!
when one side of the channels need more bitrate then another,
this side will got only 64....is his part!
the other side will use the another 64 for less sound.
if the right channel have more sound that the left in one moment,
he have 64 (his part) for the right and 64 for the left,
then the side that need more bitrate will got
the middle of the bitrate choosed,
no matter how more bitrate this side need
and the another side have to encode less sound.
STEREO have the bitrate in the center of the audio,
giving more bitrate to the channel that need more bitrate!
DUAL CHANNEL have middle bitrate for each channel,
no matter how channel need more or less bitrate.
my simple conclusion:
....STEREO is the better choice!
all opinions and hints are welcome as always!