today i change my signature and was wrote there:
10 speakers around the ears....
i have one simple 5.1 and + 2 stereo amplifiers (Akai and Polivox)
see one of the reasons that i'm still using the stereo amplifiers:
if you don't want to read all the "conversation", (bla bla blas)
go to the target with ilustrations:
believe...amazing results...(ask Kwag about or read all the thread)
my poor english can't explain better than posted there!
if you want some "reverberations" effects in mono...
take a look:
* Channel averaging, duplication, and removal
* Band-pass filter
* Band-reject filter
* Chorus effect
* DCShift audio
* Deemphases filter
* Move soundstage to front of listener.
* Add an echo or sequence of echos
* Fade in or out
* Apply a flanger effect
* Apply a high-pass filter
* Apply a low-pass filter
* Display a list of loops in a file
* Add masking noise to a signal
* Pan sound between channels
* Apply a phaser effect
* Change the pitch of a sound file without effecting its speed.
* Change sampling rates using several different algorithms.
* Apply a reverb effect
* Reverse sound samples (to search for Satanic messages)

* Detect periods of silence and start and stop processing based on it
* Change the speed of samples being played (without effecting pitch)
* Display general stats on sound samples
* Stretch/shorten the duration of a sound file.
* Swap stereo channels
* Create sounds with a simple synthesizer
* Trim audio data from beginning and end of file.
* Add the world-famous Fender Vibro-Champ effect
* Adjust volume of samples.
and more....