Originally Posted by sking1001
...even if I encode it well below, say 4402Kpbs
But you're not encoding 4402Kbps CBR, are you?
If you use VBR and you set it to encode around 4402Kbps most surely there will be bitrate peaks above 9800Kbps.
And remember that CCE, also has some problems respecting the maximum selected bitrate
Originally Posted by sking1001
and it warns me that with the audio, it will exceed the limits. I always ignore this warning and of course my disc is fine.
I believe the DVD specs were done with 9800Kbps just for video.
Can somebody correct me if I'm wrong?
I think I read it at DVDDemistified
So I also believe it would be safe if you don't exceed video bitrate
Originally Posted by sking1001
If I use IfoEdit to author, no error is reported.
Last time I checked, IfoEdit didn't check
the whole DVD specs before muxing...
So, It's normal that it doesn't display some errors that other tools do.