I've finished the first disc of Fellowship and it came out at 2gigs with a CQof 75 and audio at 384. I converted the AC3 audio because I wanted to cut the bit of black at the end of the first disc and the list of fan club members at the end of the second. I find it safer to just let TMPGenc encode the audio (with Lame plugin) along with the movie so I don't loose sync when I cut bits. I'm doing disc 2 with the same settings and hoping it comes in at around 2 gigs as well.
The first disc looks great on my monitor and I'm just waiting for the second part to finish so I can check the burned DVD on my TV. My only concern with picture quality is that black often looks much better on my monitor than on my TV (also concerned about some bleeding from the smoke and ash on the Mt. Doom in the begining).
My question involves the anamorphic aspect of the movie. When I play the first disc with my ATI DVD player is stretches it to the right aspect ratio (I left both Source/Destination Anamorphic in FitCD) but the preview in SpruceUp is elongated. Does anyone know if it will be anamorphic when I burn it?
Also, in SpruceUp can I just put both mpegs in one after another and have them play, or should I try and join them into one big mpeg before I bring them into SpruceUp?
Thanks for any help...I'm almost there with my first KDVD (just as you guys are getting the KVCD templates to the point where you almost don't need a DVD burner). =)