Phil I do see you called all your 3 pics ADSx.jpg ....
But on the other hand you talk about
1 - Removedirt (just removedirt() right??)
2 - Deen (just Deen() right??)
3 - ADS (not modded except the resizing right??)
Only just in case I dont get confused.
Anyway - at least one of the Pictures uses ADS incl. Removegrain, right?
So that Detail killing at the "arc" above Mel's head is now solved?
I just removed the "RemoveGrain().Deen()" and put ADS()
Ok that means to the other 2 comparisons beside ADS() you didnt apply any sharpener? (btw. all do look sharp the same but in my cases not when I did testings
) And sharpening (in one dirction only) is done via ADS() to enhance details (as you shurely know), which results for shure in a loss of compression. So if you dont need a sharpener, just put a "#" before the SECOND "masktools_Maskedmerge......" line and no sharpener will be applied, as f2 is the sharpening processor in ADS().
I for my personal taste like to bring out more details as for instance the usage of DVDrebuilder offers you that much Diskspace for your encode so we "could" focus more on quality as "compression" will be a bit less important in case of DVD-Rebuilder?
Also I still will test some other combinations of spatial and temporal denoiser combinations (I would apriciate your participating) as this fuction is still mega beta
The main idea of that function is just the simple use of edge masking, the further choice of filters we can easely find out in testings
(keep in mind my advice of the usage of Deen() in a conditional environment as I figured out that this should be avoided)
I think Ill apply this evening a masking edge threshold so you can simply determine the threshold of the masked edges.
Also a nice "showmask" boolean would be nice where you can see HOW the mask is builded ?
EDIT: Quoting you from the other thread:
Originally Posted by Dialhot
Note : I used ECLCEE with no problem even with the parameters used in RemoveDirt.
So that means the Scriptclip environment solved the problem with EclCCE??