05-19-2006, 04:45 AM
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I am trying to configure a new script, just trying a few things differently etc. Been looking into using these functions in my script :
i thought LRemoveDust was a function of the new RemoveGrain filter package which is installed in my filter folder in avisynth, Dont know about LimitedSharpen though?
When i run my script Avisynth states it doesnt recognize the functions.
My question is where do i get the filters that provide the functions in the above script. I have read many posts about these functions but they all kind of seem a bit bewildering. Wanted to try them because a lot of members state they are so good.
Any help appreciated.
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05-19-2006, 05:03 AM
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Actually, these are "functions of functions".
You have to save the following with the extension ".avsi" into the plugin directory of Avisynth :
function LRemoveDust_YV12(clip input, int clmode, int "limit")
repmode = 2
clensed = Clense(input)
rep = Repair(clensed, input, mode=repmode)
rg = RemoveGrain(rep, mode=clmode)
return LimitChange(rg, input, limit, limitU=255)
# LimitedSharpen() ( a modded version, 29 Oct 2005 )
# A multi-purpose sharpener by Didée
# Changes in this mod:
# - RemoveGrain >= v0.9 IS REQUIRED!!
# ==================================
# - Smode=4 / sometimes does the magic ;-)
# - a separate "undershoot" parameter, to allow for some line darkening in comic or Anime
# - Lmode=3 / on edges, limited sharpening with zero OS & US. On not-edges, limited sharpening with specified OS + LS
# - "soft" acts different now: no more boolean true/false, but instead integer 0 - 100 (or -1 -> automatic)
# instead of blurring before finding minima/maxima, it now softens the "effect-of-sharpening"
# - edgemode=-1 now shows the edgemask. (scaling still not implemented :p )
function LimitedSharpen( clip clp,
\ float "ss_x", float "ss_y",
\ int "dest_x", int "dest_y",
\ int "Smode" , int "strength", int "radius",
\ int "Lmode", bool "wide", int "overshoot", int "undershoot",
\ int "soft", int "edgemode", bool "special",
\ int "exborder" )
ox = clp.width
oy = clp.height
Smode = default( Smode, 3 )
ss_x = (Smode==4)
\ ? default( ss_x, 1.25)
\ : default( ss_x, 1.5 )
ss_y = (Smode==4)
\ ? default( ss_y, 1.25)
\ : default( ss_y, 1.5 )
dest_x = default( dest_x, ox )
dest_y = default( dest_y, oy )
strength = (Smode==1)
\ ? default( strength, 160 )
\ : default( strength, 100 )
strength = (Smode==2&&strength>100) ? 100 : strength
radius = default( radius, 2 )
Lmode = default( Lmode, 1 )
wide = default( wide, false )
overshoot = default( overshoot, 1)
undershoot= default( undershoot, overshoot)
softdec = default( soft, 0 )
soft = softdec!=-1 ? softdec : sqrt( (((ss_x+ss_y)/2.0-1.0)*100.0) ) * 10
soft = soft>100 ? 100 : soft
edgemode = default( edgemode, 0 )
special = default( special, false )
exborder = default( exborder, 0)
#radius = round( radius*(ss_x+ss_y)/2) # If it's you, Mug Funky - feel free to activate it again
clp.isYV12() ? clp : clp.converttoyv12()
ss_x != 1.0 || ss_y != 1.0 ? last.lanczosresize(xxs,yys) : last
tmp = last
edge = logic( tmp.DEdgeMask(0,255,0,255,"8 16 8 0 0 0 -8 -16 -8", divisor=4)
\ ,tmp.DEdgeMask(0,255,0,255,"8 0 -8 16 0 -16 8 0 -8", divisor=4)
\ ,"max") .yv12lut("x 128 / 0.86 ^ 255 *") #.levels(0,0.86,128,0,255,false)
tmpsoft = tmp.removegrain(11,-1)
dark_limit1 = tmp.inpand()
bright_limit1 = tmp.expand()
dark_limit = (wide==false) ? dark_limit1 : dark_limit1 .removegrain(20,-1).inpand()
bright_limit = (wide==false) ? bright_limit1 : bright_limit1.removegrain(20,-1).expand()
minmaxavg = special==false
\ ? yv12lutxy(dark_limit1,bright_limit1,yexpr="x y + 2 /")
\ : maskedmerge(dark_limit,bright_limit,tmp.removegrain(11,-1),Y=3,U=-128,V=-128)
normsharp = Smode==1 ? unsharpmask(strength,radius,0)
\ : Smode==2 ? sharpen(float(strength)/100.0)
\ : Smode==3 ? yv12lutxy(tmp,minmaxavg,yexpr="x x y - "+Str+" * +")
\ : yv12lutxy(tmp,tmpsoft,"x y = x x x y - abs 16 / 1 2 / ^ 16 * "+Str+" * x y - 2 ^ x y - 2 ^ "+Str+" 100 * 25 / + / * x y - x y - abs / * + ?")
OS = string(overshoot)
US = string(undershoot)
Lmode == 1 ? yv12lutxy( bright_limit, normsharp, yexpr="y x "+OS+" + < y x "+OS+" + ?")
\ : yv12lutxy( bright_limit, normsharp, yexpr="y x "+OS+" + < y x y x - "+OS+" - 1 2 / ^ + "+OS+" + ?")
Lmode == 1 ? yv12lutxy( dark_limit, last, yexpr="y x "+US+" - > y x "+US+" - ?")
\ : yv12lutxy( dark_limit, last, yexpr="y x "+US+" - > y x x y - "+US+" - 1 2 / ^ - "+US+" - ?")
OS2 = "0"
US2 = "0"
yv12lutxy( bright_limit, normsharp, yexpr="y x "+OS2+" + < y x "+OS2+" + ?")
yv12lutxy( dark_limit, last, yexpr="y x "+US2+" - > y x "+US2+" - ?")
Lmode==3 ? maskedmerge(normal,zero,edge.inflate()) : normal
edgemode==0 ? last
\ : edgemode==1 ? MaskedMerge(tmp,last,edge.inflate().inflate().removegrain(11,-1),Y=3,U=1,V=1)
\ : MaskedMerge(last,tmp,edge.inflate().inflate().removegrain(11,-1),Y=3,U=1,V=1)
AMNT = string(soft)
AMNT2 = string(100-soft)
sharpdiff=yv12lutxy(tmp,last,"x y - 128 +")
sharpdiff2=yv12lutxy(sharpdiff,sharpdiff.removegrain(19,-1),"x 128 - abs y 128 - abs > y "+AMNT+" * x "+AMNT2+" * + 100 / x ?")
soft==0 ? last : yv12lutxy(tmp,sharpdiff2,"x y 128 - -")
(ss_x != 1.0 || ss_y != 1.0)
\ || (dest_x != ox || dest_y != oy) ? lanczosresize(dest_x,dest_y) : last
tmp = clp.lanczosresize(dest_x,dest_y)
clp.isYV12() ? ( exborder==0 ? tmp.mergeluma(last)
\ : maskedmerge(tmp,last,ex,Y=3,U=1,V=1) )
\ : ( exborder==0 ? tmp.mergeluma(last.converttoyuy2())
\ : tmp.mergeluma( maskedmerge(tmp.converttoyv12(),last,ex,Y=3,U=1,V=1)
\ .converttoyuy2()) )
(edgemode!= -1) ? last : edge.lanczosresize(dest_x,dest_y).greyscale
return last
Note : instead of LimitedSharpen, I suggest you to use LimitedSharpenFaster, that is a lot faster, but needs the last masktool package.
# LimitedSharpen() ( a modded version, 29 Oct 2005 )
# A multi-purpose sharpener by Didée
# Changes in this mod:
# - RemoveGrain >= v0.9 IS REQUIRED!!
# ==================================
# - Smode=4 / sometimes does the magic ;-)
# - a separate "undershoot" parameter, to allow for some line darkening in comic or Anime
# - Lmode=3 / on edges, limited sharpening with zero OS & US. On not-edges, limited sharpening with specified OS + LS
# - "soft" acts different now: no more boolean true/false, but instead integer 0 - 100 (or -1 -> automatic)
# instead of blurring before finding minima/maxima, it now softens the "effect-of-sharpening"
# - edgemode=-1 now shows the edgemask. (scaling still not implemented :p )
## - MODIFIED version using MaskTools 2.0
function LimitedSharpenFaster( clip clp,
\ float "ss_x", float "ss_y",
\ int "dest_x", int "dest_y",
\ int "Smode" , int "strength", int "radius",
\ int "Lmode", bool "wide", int "overshoot", int "undershoot",
\ int "soft", int "edgemode", bool "special",
\ int "exborder" )
ox = clp.width
oy = clp.height
Smode = default( Smode, 3 )
ss_x = (Smode==4)
\ ? default( ss_x, 1.25)
\ : default( ss_x, 1.5 )
ss_y = (Smode==4)
\ ? default( ss_y, 1.25)
\ : default( ss_y, 1.5 )
dest_x = default( dest_x, ox )
dest_y = default( dest_y, oy )
strength = (Smode==1)
\ ? default( strength, 160 )
\ : default( strength, 100 )
strength = (Smode==2&&strength>100) ? 100 : strength
radius = default( radius, 2 )
Lmode = default( Lmode, 1 )
wide = default( wide, false )
overshoot = default( overshoot, 1)
undershoot= default( undershoot, overshoot)
softdec = default( soft, 0 )
soft = softdec!=-1 ? softdec : sqrt( (((ss_x+ss_y)/2.0-1.0)*100.0) ) * 10
soft = soft>100 ? 100 : soft
edgemode = default( edgemode, 0 )
special = default( special, false )
exborder = default( exborder, 0)
#radius = round( radius*(ss_x+ss_y)/2) # If it's you, Mug Funky - feel free to activate it again
clp.isYV12() ? clp : clp.converttoyv12()
ss_x != 1.0 || ss_y != 1.0 ? last.lanczosresize(xxs,yys) : last
tmp = last
edge = mt_logic( tmp.mt_edge(thY1=0,thY2=255,"8 16 8 0 0 0 -8 -16 -8 4")
\ ,tmp.mt_edge(thY1=0,thY2=255,"8 0 -8 16 0 -16 8 0 -8 4")
\ ,"max") .mt_lut("x 128 / 0.86 ^ 255 *") #.levels(0,0.86,128,0,255,false)
tmpsoft = tmp.removegrain(11,-1)
dark_limit1 = tmp.mt_inpand()
bright_limit1 = tmp.mt_expand()
dark_limit = (wide==false) ? dark_limit1 : dark_limit1 .removegrain(20,-1).mt_inpand()
bright_limit = (wide==false) ? bright_limit1 : bright_limit1.removegrain(20,-1).mt_expand()
minmaxavg = special==false
\ ? mt_average(dark_limit1, bright_limit1)
\ : mt_merge(dark_limit,bright_limit,tmp.removegrain(11,-1),Y=3,U=-128,V=-128)
normsharp = Smode==1 ? unsharpmask(strength,radius,0)
\ : Smode==2 ? sharpen(float(strength)/100.0)
\ : Smode==3 ? mt_lutxy(tmp,minmaxavg,yexpr="x x y - "+Str+" * +")
\ : mt_lutxy(tmp,tmpsoft,"x y == x x x y - abs 16 / 1 2 / ^ 16 * "+Str+
\ " * x y - 2 ^ x y - 2 ^ "+Str+" 100 * 25 / + / * x y - x y - abs / * + ?")
OS = string(overshoot)
US = string(undershoot)
mt_lutxy( bright_limit, normsharp, yexpr="y x "+OS+" + < y x y x - "+OS+" - 1 2 / ^ + "+OS+" + ?")
mt_lutxy( dark_limit, last, yexpr="y x "+US+" - > y x x y - "+US+" - 1 2 / ^ - "+US+" - ?")
Lmode==1 ? mt_clamp(normsharp, bright_limit, dark_limit, overshoot, undershoot) : last
normal = last
zero = mt_clamp(normsharp, bright_limit, dark_limit, 0,0)
Lmode==3 ? mt_merge(normal,zero,edge.mt_inflate()) : normal
edgemode==0 ? last
\ : edgemode==1 ? mt_merge(tmp,last,edge.mt_inflate().mt_inflate().removegrain(11,-1),Y=3,U=1,V=1)
\ : mt_merge(last,tmp,edge.mt_inflate().mt_inflate().removegrain(11,-1),Y=3,U=1,V=1)
AMNT = string(soft)
AMNT2 = string(100-soft)
\ "x 128 - abs y 128 - abs > y "+AMNT+" * x "+AMNT2+" * + 100 / x ?")
soft==0 ? last : mt_makediff(tmp,sharpdiff2)
(ss_x != 1.0 || ss_y != 1.0)
\ || (dest_x != ox || dest_y != oy) ? lanczosresize(dest_x,dest_y) : last
tmp = clp.lanczosresize(dest_x,dest_y)
clp.isYV12() ? ( exborder==0 ? tmp.mergeluma(last)
\ : mt_merge(tmp,last,ex,Y=3,U=1,V=1) )
\ : ( exborder==0 ? tmp.mergeluma(last.converttoyuy2())
\ : tmp.mergeluma( mt_merge(tmp.converttoyv12(),last,ex,Y=3,U=1,V=1)
\ .converttoyuy2()) )
(edgemode!= -1) ? last : edge.lanczosresize(dest_x,dest_y).greyscale
return last
05-20-2006, 10:25 PM
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Thanks Phil,
Done as stated in your post and saved the functions as "Functions.avsi" is that OK? or should it be named as something else?
When running this script as a test:
dgdecode_mpeg2source("C:\We Were Soldiers.d2v",cpu=4)
i get the following script error:
Avisynth open failure
Script error: There is no function named "DedgeMask"(8 'v,line 79)
(C:\Documents and Settings\ Desktop\test Functions.avs,line 4)
Q. what does this error mean and how do i correct it?
Q. Do i have to alter any values in the .avsi file in relation to this:
edge = logic( tmp.DEdgeMask(0,255,0,255,"8 16 8 0 0 0 -8 -16 -8", divisor=4)
\ ,tmp.DEdgeMask(0,255,0,255,"8 0 -8 16 0 -16 8 0 -8", divisor=4)
\ ,"max") .yv12lut("x 128 / 0.86 ^ 255 *") #.levels(0,0.86,128,0,255,false)
Lastly where can i get the latest MASKTOOL package to accomodate the function LimitedSharpenFaster() and from that where do i install the package too?
05-21-2006, 07:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Blubear
Done as stated in your post and saved the functions as "Functions.avsi" is that OK? or should it be named as something else?
Function.avsi is also the name I used
Avisynth open failure
Script error: There is no function named "DedgeMask"(8 'v,line 79)
(C:\Documents and Settings\ Desktop\test Functions.avs,line 4)
Q. what does this error mean and how do i correct it?
That means that'ss you don't have the masktool plugin (ou you forgot to add the "loadplugin("masktool.dll") line if you did not put it in the defalut plugin directory.
Lastly where can i get the latest MASKTOOL package to
accomodate the function LimitedSharpenFaster() and from that where do i install the package too?
As always you can install the plugin where you want and use a loadplugin line, except if you put it into the default plugin directory.
05-21-2006, 11:47 AM
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Thanks phil,
I have installed the latest version of MaskTools which i think was MT_Masktools, but from reading the log inside the zip file i states it may not be compatible with AVS 2.5.5 and states 2.5.6. i have 2.5.5. installed, which version of masktools do i need to run LimitedSharpenFaster() ?
I installed an older version previously but i received an error in my script in relation to Remove Grain. Is this perhaps because i dont have 0.9 installed. I thought i had the latest version. Could you perhaps please provide a link for 0.9?
Lastly in relation to 0.9 which .dll do i need to install from the zip file for a P4 system setup?
Many Thanks,
05-21-2006, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Blubear
which version of masktools do i need to run LimitedSharpenFaster() ?
I dunno. Why don't you upgrade your avisynth version ???
2.5.6 is official since several monthes and 2.5.7 betas are already released too.
Lastly in relation to 0.9 which .dll do i need to install from the zip file for a P4 system setup?
Only those with SSE2 in the name when they are several versions, and all the other dll that appear in only one version in the zip.
05-21-2006, 04:16 PM
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Hello again,
Thanks for that. I have AVS 2.5.6 installed all .avsi file in plugin folder, Mask tools version 1 installed (aug2005) and Grain 0.9. I am receiving this script error now.
[/code][/quote]There is no function named "limitchange" (,line10)
Any ideas. I can get the LremoveDust() function to work on its own in the script but not the LimitedSharpen() or LSFaster(). I have tried both version 0.9 and 1.0 Beta of Grain and V2 Mask tools(latest).
All plugins are in the plugin folder in Avisynth.
Any ideas whats wrong here?
Blubear :roll:
05-21-2006, 04:18 PM
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Ooops sorry about that... Seems i cant use these fuctions now either LOL
05-21-2006, 04:24 PM
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LimitChange is part of SSE2tool.dll, do you have it in your plugin directory ?
If it does not work, remove SSE2Tool and use SSETool that you can found in an older RemoveGrain package.
05-21-2006, 04:59 PM
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Hi Phil,
Yeah i have Grain SSE2.dll in my plugin folder along with repair.dll etc. I tried to put back the old ones from 0.9 Grain again SSE2 but now receive this message:
RemoveGrain:Invalid mode 19 (,line 120)
I cant use any other versions of the 0.9 Grain pack because i have found i no longer have it for some reason and the previous link given to it is dead.
All these versions of both Grain and Mask tools is confusing as hell. I am in a right old muddle now. dont know presently which version to use with what etc.
05-21-2006, 08:10 PM
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I had put all the content of my plugin dir there :
As I have a P4 like you, you can pick all the dll you want in this archive.
05-22-2006, 07:50 AM
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Thanks Phil,
Sorry for all the questions and a mighty long thread.
I am much obliged to you
06-08-2006, 11:57 AM
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I have the same problem using removegrain also. it cause me a removegrain phobia. Twice already i used this filter, paranoia 0.31b, avsedit plus avisynth will show error and close down immediatly. So i need to restore back my system before this error haapen
by the way,i'm using amd xp barton 2500++
06-08-2006, 05:41 PM
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what error ? We can't help you without that !
06-10-2006, 06:20 AM
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Yeah, what error??
Unless the window just says error  .
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