While looking at one of the older KVCD guides I found this script
## Dynamic Linear Adaptive Filtering and Scene Change Detection ##
# ( Portions from AviSynth's manual ) - This will apply temporalsoften to
# very static scenes, and apply variable blur on moving scenes.
# We also assign a variable - and this is why a line break is inserted:
ScriptClip("nf = YDifferenceToNext()"+chr(13)+ "nf > 2.5 ? asharp( -(fmin((nf/30), 1)), 0 ) : \
TemporalSoften(2,7,7,3,2) ")
# Scene change detection ( kwag ) - If a scene change is detected, we
# blur heavily. This affects the scene before and the one after the
# scene change, thus providing a softer transition for the encoder instead
# of a sharp "spike".
# If it's not a scene change, then we just blur dynamically, depending on
# the action.
ScriptClip("nf > scd_trigger ? asharp( -2,0) : asharp(0,0) ")
Is it still valid and are there any improvised or new versions available!!!