Quantcast Avisynth: Need the 101 on Filters? - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
02-10-2003, 12:24 PM
dionysus dionysus is offline
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I'm new to this game of encoding etc. I just finished my first of Simone and it turned out very nicely I must say for my first time, some things to touch up on next time but none the less. anyways my question or enquiry is What are these filters, how do I apply them to my movies and I'm using the Guide KVCDX2 I think it is and I want to apply these filters as it sounds like they make a huge difference and I know where to get them from but where do i put them (what program/folder etc.) or which program do they apply to so I can extract them to it? Sorry for the dumb question but you've got to start somewhere inorder to understand this now don't you? anyways if you could answer as much as possible it would greatly appreciated for the next movie I do...

thanx again.
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