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02-17-2003, 11:07 PM
vhelp vhelp is offline
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Hi everybody

I thought I would post my latest revision of my app, picSwitch v1.0.4 (beta)

DOWNLOAD: picSwitch v1.0.4 (beta)
DOWNLOAD: borland.files.rar

Note, If picSwitch does not run on your system, then you should D/L the borland

03.12.03 - v1.0.4
** added: an [x] option box for PIC sizing (under PIC List view only)
** adjusted: loading new images w/ Load button..
.... now remembers last directory/folder name
.... w/out the need for a default drive (eliminated)
** adjusted: smaller images do not distort picSwitch's window..
....does not shrink window beyond view.

02.17.03 - v1.0.3
** some code changes and things.
** deleted ImageList. till I can come up w/ something better.
02.06.03 - v1.0.2
** leaky resource is fixed.
01.26.03 - v1.0
** well, I'm sure there are some. I tried to rule out as many as I
.... could find, but please do report any, so I can fix quickly.
** For JPEG *.jpg files, click its selection in the PIC list window
.... for it to show - it's a bug.

picSwitch is really a tool.. for your encoding projects. Especially
for those doing lots of Filter tweaking etc. It really shines
when you have more than ONE image you want to compare.
In it's basic form, all that is required is 2 images. But 3 or more is ok too,
like when you need to debuggin more than two images for those hard to tweak
Filters. The more you use this tool, the more you'll realise that it is actually
working in helping you to fine tune your encoding.

Of course you may encounter some issues or things that just seem to stand out.
Just jot them down and report here - anything.

I do have other items to add to this tool, that are in the works, but they will
remain as ideas until I can figure how to implement them.. and I hope real soon.

* BUGS - Please report any.. that goes for issues of any kind
* SUGGESTIONS - whatever you got, sure like to hear'em all.

Until I can get my website settled, I'll be keeping a portal open here,
as long as Kwag doesn't mind.

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02-17-2003, 11:43 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Looks great and works fine

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03-10-2003, 11:38 PM
muaddib muaddib is offline
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Hi vhelp!

I'm trying to (re)download PicSwitch but the link is dead.
Could you please tell me if there is any other place that I can download it?
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03-11-2003, 12:21 AM
vhelp vhelp is offline
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Hi mauddib..

Sorry 'bout that. It must have ben deleted by accident.. probably while
I was making room for some more work on my files and things. I got a
bit lazy and stopped for a while to consentrate on other things.

You know how it goes..

I'll post it back up for ya.
Note, I haven't done any more work on it.. other things going on at the
moment i guess.., you know.. fun stuff..

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03-11-2003, 12:40 AM
vhelp vhelp is offline
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Hi mauddib..

ok, it's back up.
I'll be cleaning up again soon.

I rented some more webspace for more projects and/or video samples, but I
haven't come up w/ a "user" name for the account. Already have vhelp.
Anyways.. I'm still working on ideas and stuff.

Well, have a good evening/night.
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03-11-2003, 02:33 AM
jorel jorel is offline
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i'm reading first than i download the program..

my friend vhelp,

your program seems to be very cool!!!

...and beautifull!

i have in my hdd,special folders to special friends and programs:
one for Kwag,another to muaddib,another to black prince .... snolly...
friendalunit....sansgrip....hedix... tons more,you know!

and another called vhelp.
this first page of your program is there now with other pages,
and your program will be there now.

hey,....Kwag is posting another news about picSwitch!!!
i am editing this post and Kwag don't see it now.(i think)
i open the page twice to edit and refresh the first,understand?

closing the edition:
here in this forum all is special...i have one folder called KVCD,
and tons of sub folders...more or less 1.5Gb with posts,programs,templates....everything.
hey,this "ps" is a big letter!

thank you my friend!
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03-11-2003, 02:39 AM
kwag kwag is offline
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Hi vhelp,

Just posted News about PicSwitch with a link to this thread in the main site

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03-11-2003, 11:11 AM
muaddib muaddib is offline
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Originally Posted by vhelp
Hi mauddib..

ok, it's back up.
I'll be cleaning up again soon.
Great vhelp!
I really like your program, and I was missing it here.

Btw, I have a little request:
It would be nice if the open dialog "remembers" the last used folder. This would speed up the process of loading the images to compare. Some times going all over my directory tree is a long painful road… (you know what I mean )
I think that the "open dialog" delphi component already do that. You have just to not set the "initial dir" property.

Or would be even better if we can select all the pics at the same time (in the open dialog).
This way we will not have to come back again and again to load all the images to compare.

Thanks a lot!
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03-11-2003, 08:13 PM
vhelp vhelp is offline
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Evening everyone.

hi jorel..
thanks for the mention (and looking after me, in your own way)

thanks Kwag.. for the mentioning of picSwitch. Somehow, I
thought that this page was enough, oh well. Thanks again.

I wanted to note a few things about it (if I may) ..to give you a
better idea what picSwitch is all about.

----- ---- --- -- - - purpose..

Those of you who D/L it and run it, may not actually notice much
going on. And, as such, would probably not benefit the apps'
actual capabilities. It's mainly geared for those who are debugging
their "filters" or tweaking their quality to the best they can.
What my app does is give you (the user) a different view not normally
seen the old triditional way, of displaying two pics, side by side,
and "bouncing" your eyes either up/down or left/right. Another more
advanced (though still combersome) a way, was to open two images in a
browser (my old way) and alt_crsr right/left to switch between images.
The problem w/ this method was that, a) the image flickered, and b)
this approach was costly (CPU and Memory) and just not appropriate.

In short, picSwitch does this easier, and w/ very little resources,
and not to mention, cleaner and No Flickering. In fact, it does this
so much better, that when you load in two (or more) images, and begin
to Switch between them, you almost don't notice anything different about
the images or pics. You actually have to look closely at the pics as
it alternate. That's why I have the "filename" display, so that you
at least, know something is going on.

As you will noticed, at the top of this page (page 1) you'll see that
there is an actual picSwitch (w/ two pics) in a *.gif format, displaying
but if you look closely, the images are different. In order to distort
(intentionally) one of the images, I used a filter from vdub to dirty up
one of the pics, so that you could see what was happening, and so that
you could get a better idea what picSwitch is all about.
Of course, the image above also serves as a teaser, to wet peoples
appetite to inquire about it.

Again, picSwitch is a tool for tweaking your "filtering". I am working
on an even better method for bringing in images to work with (test with)
so I hope you are willing to wait till I can furmutate it.

The goal is to utilize your "filter" technique(s) for any given movie
encode (prefereably a DVD rip) to gauge your "filter" level or values,
and the one (pic) that is smoothest or shows least amount of artifacts,
will be the one you will use via your "filter" values. Again, its a tool.
Every "filter" is different, and each value in a "filter" will determine
the final encode quality.

You use picSwitch prior to encoding. That is, during your script creation
or vdub filter manipulation. Take a snapshot of the particular filter
setting(s) of before and after, and open them up in picSwitch, and run
them through the Sequencer. You can alter the speed of Sequencer as well,
to suite your tast. Sometimes, I like a value of 5; other times, I like
it at 10; real slow, so that I can pay a little more attention to the detail
and STUDY how and why the image (pic) is coming out the way it is, via any
filter tweaking; and sometimes I like it at it's fastest, which is 1,
so that I can see real quickly, if the images are the same or not.

I guess you could say that picSwitch is actually a "filter" tweaker.

At the moment, though you may actually like picSwitch, sooner or later,
there may become a need to make it more user friendly, and more flexible
to use. I'm working on some ideas that came to mind a few days ago.
Please bare with me on this quest. And, as always, feel free to lend
a suggestion or too. This help to fuel me, and continue to go further
w/ picSwitch.

Well, all I can say is.. today, you may not feel a need for this app, but
sooner or later, you'll come to that bridge, and will become curious about
some of your encodes and/or "filter" tweakings.. and will want to know a
little bit more of what's going on in your filtering. picSwitch will be
there when you become ready. It's an advanced filter-tweaking-tool,
indirectly speaking he he..

Thank you for your inquiry of picSwitch.
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03-11-2003, 08:56 PM
vhelp vhelp is offline
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Hi mauddib..

Great vhelp!
I really like your program, and I was missing it here.

Btw, I have a little request:
fire away..

It would be nice if the open dialog "remembers" the last used folder. This would
speed up the process of loading the images to compare. Some times going all over
my directory tree is a long painful road (you know what I mean )
I think that the "open dialog" delphi component already do that. You have just to
not set the "initial dir" property.
Thanks for pointing that out to me. I was actually thinking the same thing.
And, you're right.. it WOULD speed up the process of laoding images.
And, I know what you mean about "long dir tree" ..as I have them TOO !!
Oh, and that's exactly what I did, I "set the init. dir" property.
Note, I'll look into this and see if I can use a diff. alternative to starting
up in a drive. I basically wanted picSwitch to have a "default" drive or dir
to start with. Any suggestions ?? ..while I look into it ?? Answer might be
right in front of me.

But, don't forget, that you can drag in images from your desktop or folder, if
you know where they are at the time of testing.

Or would be even better if we can select all the pics at the same time (in
the open dialog).
This way we will not have to come back again and again to load all the images
to compare.
Beleive it or not, I was planning this (as you'll notice the [] checkboxes) but
something happened in my source, and things got a little messed up. So, I left
it in, but for later on, when i go back and fix/implement it. It's a good feature
to have. But those [] boxes would serve as pointers to pics to switch between
them, using the Sequencer. Those that are [x]'ed would be included in the
Sequence. I was working w/ the imageList componant, but that failed, once I
found out that THAT component had to have it's height/width set to same, through
out all the images in list. That's part of how things got messed up
I'm looking for another alternative to holding a handful of images in a list.
Haven't really found any yet. Keep an eye portal open for me if you pass
by any.. but nothing that would require a rocke-scientist to fiddle with, as
I fluncted flight-school. I'll do the same for you, should you ever need
any assistance in your app projects.

Thanks a lot!
you're welcome.

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03-11-2003, 10:13 PM
muaddib muaddib is offline
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Originally Posted by vhelp
Thanks for pointing that out to me. I was actually thinking the same thing.
And, you're right.. it WOULD speed up the process of laoding images.
And, I know what you mean about "long dir tree" ..as I have them TOO !!
Oh, and that's exactly what I did, I "set the init. dir" property.
Note, I'll look into this and see if I can use a diff. alternative to starting
up in a drive. I basically wanted picSwitch to have a "default" drive or dir
to start with. Any suggestions ?? ..while I look into it ?? Answer might be
right in front of me.
Yes, that's really simple.
Just don't set this property right before you execute the dialog.
You can set it when you create the form, so it will be set only once, and it will be updated when you open the dialog.
(or set it just in the object inpector)

But, don't forget, that you can drag in images from your desktop or folder, if
you know where they are at the time of testing.
And you say it only now!?!?

I'm looking for another alternative to holding a handful of images in a list.
Haven't really found any yet. Keep an eye portal open for me if you pass
by any.. but nothing that would require a rocke-scientist to fiddle with, as
I fluncted flight-school. I'll do the same for you, should you ever need
any assistance in your app projects.
Ok, I will keep an eye open!

But I'm not sure if I understand the problem.
Why don't you just limit the number of images that PicSwitch can open at the same time?
Then you can create a fixed number of TImages.
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03-11-2003, 10:41 PM
vhelp vhelp is offline
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Hi mauddib..

And you say it only now!?!?
ha ha..

But I'm not sure if I understand the problem.
Why don't you just limit the number of images that PicSwitch can open at
the same time? Then you can create a fixed number of TImages.
yes, i was thinking that all along, but I was hoping for something easier.
Like, maybe "dynamically" in memory, so that I could keep the "memory
resources" at a minimum. You know how TMPG, plus the frameserving can
take a beating on memory usesage. So, that's why. Anyways, I didn't
want to limit the amount of images that can be loaded at one time, but
I also didn't want to have to have EVERY image loaded either. picSwitch
was only designed to display TWO images for comparison puposes only,
but I had the idea of having a handful or too, of images on hand just
in case. And, that's where the idea came in, with those []'s A user
would load in all the images (as you've suggested earlier) and only
click on [x] on the ones that they want to test (which would normally
be two images) You could have a hundred images dynamically loaded, but
only need TWO at the time of testing, or better yet, have a hundred
display in a listbox like, and as user select the image associated
with the [x] only then would image actually be dynamic or use of the
memory at that given time etc. Something like this. I'm still working
it out in my head. Gimmy some time, and I'll have a look at this idea
and see what I can do thus far.

Thanks for the "dialog box" idea.
Talk to ya later.
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