Hi guys.
I've been reading up and don't see that any of you are using this plugin. I did some comparisons between Moviestacker and FitCD with the autofitcd plugin and the later is better I think on letterboxed movies
For example the movie the Game is 2.35:1 letterboxed widescreen encoded as 4:3. This means the movie has black bars as part of the video stream. When I used Moviestacker to get a bicubic resize it game me 688x480 with TV overscan of 1.
Using the fitCD and autofitcd plugin I get 688x288. So what this tells me is that Moviestacker is producing settings that encode the black bars of the letterboxed movie. This is a big waste of bitrate and encoding space. The FitCD plugin is accurately measuring movie with letterboxing, hacking off the borders then it re-adds them with the addborders() command at the end.
Quality is better this way because you get better use of your bits. I was suprised to see zero hits for the autofitcd plugin here, of course I'm a newbie to KVCD, but I thought I'd share.