First, you're right to use "round(xx + nf)" because I forgot that in the official script, nf is a float value and I use a int value (nf = round(YDifferenceToNext()).
Second, the default values for temporalcleaner are (5,10). With your values (round(3+nf) and round(8*nf)) you are always _below_ the default value.
For my part I always find that this filter is better used with values (7,15), so that why I decided to used (6+nf,13+nf) in my MA script.
To make it short : I find you values a little too low. I you find mine two high, I suggest you :
temporalcleaner(round(4+nf), fmin(round(9+nf))
Note: nf can't be more than 2 when we reach "temporalcleaner", so the usage of fmin is useless as long as we don't reach the filter limits that are (10,15)