I have been using the standard Optimal script now for 3 months with very good results but I would like for someone to review what I currently use to see if I should fine tune it. So would someone kindly review and make suggestions on what part if any I should change to get even better results. My source is always from the original. The only problem I have is tha if I set things up for 2-CD, I almost always get three files and whould like to know why this is...most of the the time I use 1-CD
## DLL Section ##
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\MPEG2Dec3.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\GripFit_YV12.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\STMedianFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\asharp.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\unfilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\undot.dll")
## Defined Variables and Constants ##
MaxTreshold = 1.50
nf = 0 # Current frame.
## Main section and static filters ###
Mpeg2Source("C:\2_FAST_2_FURIOUS\VIDEO_TS\2Fast.d2 v")
asharp(1, 4)
GripCrop(528, 480, overscan=2, source_anamorphic=false)
STMedianFilter(8, 32, 0, 0 )
## Linear Motion Adaptive Filtering ##
# ( Portions from AviSynth's manual ) - This will apply temporalsoften to
# very static scenes, and apply variable blur on moving scenes.
# We also assign a variable - and this is why a line break is inserted:
SwitchThreshold = (Width<=352) ? 4 : (Width<=480) ? 3 : 2
ScriptClip("nf = YDifferenceToNext()"+chr(13)+ "nf >= SwitchThreshold ? \
unfilter( -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)), -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)) ) : \
TemporalSoften( fmin( round(2/nf), 6), round(1/nf) , round(3/nf) , 1, 1) ")
#LetterBox( Your_Values_Here ) # Depends on situation. Use MovieStacker!
## Functions ###
function fmin( int f1, int f2) {
return ( f1<f2 ) ? f1 : f2
Thanks in advance......