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01-20-2004, 03:59 PM
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Hey Guys!

I've a little question with ussing GripGrop.

Source: DVD VOB file

Here my parameters:



asharp(1, 4)
GripCrop(480, 576, overscan=2, dest_anamorphic=false)
STMedianFilter(3, 3, 1, 1 )

ScriptClip(" nf = YDifferenceToNext()" +chr(13)+ "unfilter( -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)), -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)) ).TemporalSoften( fmin( round(2/nf), 6), round(1/nf) , round(3/nf) , 1, 1) ")

#LetterBox(xx, xx, xx, xx) I don't want to use this!!!)

function fmin( int f1, int f2) {
return ( f1<f2 ) ? f1 : f2
I've become this parameteres with Moviestacker and I'm not use Letterbox because I only wanna Rezide and not overlay.
So I've encode with this script a movie and at the right side is a white little line which appears and disappears the whole movie.
What have I done wroong what can I do? And perhaps without using Letterbox?



Musste ich hier auch nochmal stellen. Nicht böse sein.
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01-20-2004, 04:08 PM
incredible incredible is offline
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So if you say in german that you are sorry to ask also in "here" again, the basics also in here won't change

As I told you once, even good mastered DVDs sometimes possibly do not come with clean edges at the sides!

You dont see theses edges cause they are within the overscan area when watching the original on your standalone and Tvset.

BUT when using GripFits resized overscan in that case this bad edge also will be still included if it won't be cropped.

So as I see you already perform an overscan in GripFit of 2, that means added borders of 16 at the edges.
What you can do is:

1. Use the conventional way of croping and resizing (Fit CD or Moviestacker)

or ...

2. Use just Overscan=1 in GripFit and add a letterbox(16,16,16,16) at the end so you still get enough movieinformation and a macroblock optimized bordering using 16px each.

or ...

3. Do just do one try by disabling asharp as there have been some reports that in combination with gripfit it "could" (in very very rare cases) cause problems.

In case of 1.85:1 Movies I recommend to use Resized overscan and in case of 2.35:1 movies I recommend to use overlapped overscan as by this the movieinformation won't get even smaller.

BTW: I would kick that mergeLuma!Blur out as Unfilter now blurs continously and no more threshold based. If not deleting it, it would give a double-Blur on very slow scenes.

And as you're working with Avisynth already some time.
Get rid of these LoadPlugIn Lines at the beginning as AVS 2.5x does see the needed .dll's in the PlugIns folder automatically.
I think Kwag just did let them in there so Noobs can see which filters are needed to be in the PlugIns folder.
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