This Avisynth script enables both resizing and filtering. Distinct filters can be applied on the different parts of a same picture (edges, static areas, motion, dark and bright areas) : HybridFuPP is a kind of adaptive processor, allowing picture cleaning and compressibility gain.
Main idea consists in filtering strongly the less visible parts of the picture, and very softly the more visible. HybridFuPP uses masks to detect areas to process.
Standard processings proposed are : resizing (5 possibilities), static areas denoising, motion denoising, dark and bright areas denoising, chroma denoising (U and V channels), edges sharpening or softening (distinct horizontal and vertical settings), edges brightness control, deringing (removing artefacts around edges) and deblocking (removing blocks effects generated by mpeg compression).
Though HybridFuPP has been designed first to process rather clean materials, filtering package used is flexible and powerful enough to use it with noisy materials too (depending on noise type) : increasing default settings could be though required.
HybridFuPP is provided with some presets allowing beginners to use the script easily and other people to use these presets as basis for their explorations. Moreover, HybridFuPP allows users to define their own processing chains : lot of things become then possible !
HybridFuPP is supplied with all the necessary filters and a doc.
Link :
Download HybridFuPP 0.92b
changelog :
- 2 modes are available for motion precessing : motion compensated temporal denoising, or spatial denoising. Spatial denoising (default) is faster, but quality is a bit lower.
- MM_Type parameter removed (motion mask type)
- Two edges mask modes (parameter EM_Mode) : 1 is rather for films, 2 for animes
- New deringing processing
- Deblocking mode added (parameters Deblock, DB_Q, DB_Off_a and DB_Off_b)
- Dark areas processing has been modified
- Bright areas processing has been inactivated by default in all presets
- New parameters S_Str et T_Str manage now distinctively spatial and temporal filtering strength (parameter ST_Str has been removed) for static areas
- In order to get better efficiency when denoising static areas, 2 new parameters have been added : S_Radius and S_Dist. The first one is related to filtering radius, and the second one influences spatial filtering threshold (The weaker, the more edges are preserved)
- New parameter E_Str_B : edges brightness
- New parameter Fast (true / false). When True, dark areas, lit areas and motion (only if MP_Mode = 2) masks are computed from an already denoised and resized picture (enabling HybridFuPP to save time). If False, these masks are computed from a simply resized picture
- 2 new presets : anime1 and anime2
- New preset HybridQ that allows sharp edges while maintaining good compressibility
- Parameter L_Thr has been renamed in B_Thr
- New parameters available for 'Show' : “R” (displays areas that will be deringed) and “P” (displays all the parameters used)
- Be careful : range of valid values have been modified for a few parameters. Please have a look on the documentation above.
- as some avisynth's caching issues have been solved, HybridFuPP should be faster (use latest avisynth betas preferably, and always use filters dlls provided inside HybridFuPP's package)
- 0.9a à 0.917a :
- Non official alpha versions
- 0.89a à 0.897a :
- Non official alpha versions
- 0.882b :
- a bug when using height or width lower than 256 has been fixed
- 0.881b :
- a bug when using "dering = true" or preset 'anime' has been fixed
- 0.88b :
- No more multiple resizing
- Standard filtering chains have been changed a lot
- Like dark areas, very lit areas are now processed too
- Chroma processing has been improved
- New and more efficient motion detection engine (thanks Manao). The old one, and an improved version of it, are though available too (use parameter MM_Type)
- New presets : "very low", "low", "medium", "high" (default), "very high" and "anime"
- « Debug » mode is now called « Show ». As previously, it enables to display the masks. Using it is easier too.
- New parameters (C_Str = chroma filtering strength, L_Thr = light areas threshold, LP_Str = dark and light areas filtering strength). Some others are no more used (chroma, dark, D_Str, Eresizer, Nresizer, CH…)
- Dering no more returns an error when used with non mod 16 destination width and height. It will simply be disactivated if needed.
- 0.85a to 0.87a :
- Non official alpha versions
- 0.84b :
- It is now possible to create personal processing chains
- Advanced debug mode (displayed with colors, modes can be now combined)
- Added a strength parameter for dark areas processing
- More speed
- No more limits concerning final size for chroma and dark (called ‘special’ in 0.7x versions) modes
- Deringing (optional) is now done after resizing. Mod 16 size limit concerns now only final size.
- Be careful : some parameters have been renamed (ex : special -> dark).
- Parameters order has changed ! so be careful if you used unnamed parameters in previous releases : ex HybridFuPP(448,320,12,7,10,30,9,32,17,1,5,true,tru e,true,30,0)
- 0.80a to 0.83a :
- Non official alpha versions
- 0.71b :
- Added a threshold parameter for special mode (ie dark areas processing)
- 0.7b :
- Special processing of dark areas, ie soft resizing + strong filtering (optional). Compressibility : up to 12% more
- It is now possible to choose resizing algorithm for edges
- Motion spatial filtering has been re-introduced (because of users request)
- A little bit less speed if dark areas processing is used (activated by default), a little bit more than 0.6b if it is not used
- 0.6b :
- Resizing algorithm and settings can be now selected for picture parts displaying no motion nor edges
- Edge detection algorithm changed (uses Msharpen now)
- Default values have been changed
- Presets have been changed
- It is now possible to override parameters included in a preset
- Spatial filtering has been removed when processing motion (offered a very weak compressibility gain)
- General picture quality improvements
- Speed improvement
- 0.5b :
- Added presets
- Changed defaults for better quality
- Changed spatio-temporal filter position in the chain
- 0.4b :
- Added parameters for both spatio-temporal and spatial filtering
- Changed default value for Edge detection threshold from 15 to 10
- Chroma smoothing is now done after resizing. Dering is still done before. Will see later...
- 0.3b :
- Errors with non mod16 sources are better managed
- 0.2b :
- First downloadable version