If you want to add your Logo at the top left/right corner of your captured avi"s use the Logo filter for VirtualDub:
or if u use AVI2SVCD:
"...To add a logo is very easy and can be done in just few seconds. Do the following:
1) make the logo as a 24 bits bmp file, with n(x)m resolution. (my advice is to use m and n smaller than 100). Save this logo as, for example, mylogo.bmp;
2) open notepad and write a text with the following informations:
1st_frame,last_frame,0,x_PLLTC,y_PLLTC,logoname.bm p
where PLLTC means "position of the logo's left top corner". For example, if the movie has 100000 frames and you need to put a logo at the right botton corner of the screen, from the start to the middle of its length, you will write:
save this file as, for example, addlogo.txt;
3) now, start the DVD2SVCD encoding, checkmarking "edit when dvd2avi processing is done" at frameserve tab;
4)when the avisynth script edition pop up, add the following line:
LoadPlugin("DRIVE:\path_to_dvd2svcd_folder\DVD2SVC D\AVISYN~1.DLL")
AvisynthSubtitler("DRIVE:\path_to_addlogo_file\"," addlogo.txt")
this can be done even if you are using permanent subtitles, as for example:
LoadPlugin("C:\ARQUIV~1\DVD2SVCD\MPEG2Dec\mpeg2dec .dll")
mpeg2source("C:\DOCUME~1\MEUSDO~1\doct\DVD2AV~1.D2 V")
AvisynthSubtitler("C:\DOCUME~1\MEUSDO~1\doctort\", "PermSubs.txt")
AvisynthSubtitler("C:\DOCUME~1\MEUSDO~1\doctort\", "addlogo.txt")
5) save the avs file and open it with mediaplayer to verify if it is fine..."
It"s posted in the Doom"s forum months ago by "Mozart"
Hope that helps...