I don't believe there is any program that will allow setting of the matrix. There is a command line app called WinTV Cap that has a slew of configuration options but I have not tried it yet. Here is the .ini for it.
CountryCode = 1 // Microsoft defined
InputType = 0 // 0:Cable, 1:Antenna
SVideoPinNo = -1 // -1:Find By Name, >=0:Pin No
CompositePinNo = -1 // -1:Find By Name, >=0:Pin No
VideoTunerPinNo = -1 // -1:Find By Name, >=0:Pin No
AudioTunerPinNo = -1 // -1:Find By Name, >=0:Pin No
AudioLinePinNo = -1 // -1:Find By Name, >=0:Pin No
VideoDecoderPinNo = -1 // -1:Find By Name, >=0:Pin No
AudioDecoderPinNo = -1 // -1:Find By Name, >=0:Pin No
StorageMode = 0 // 0:'My Documents\My Videos', 1:'DefaultDrive:\DefaultPath', 2:<emptiest drive>:\DefaultPath
DefaultDrive = 2 // 'DefaultDrive' for mode 1. <0=A:, 1=B:, 2=C:, ... 25=Z:>
MinFreeSpace = 1200 // Minimum amount of free space (in Mb) requied for consideration in mode 2.
DefaultPath = "\My Captures"
OutputType = 0 // 0:Program, 1:Transport, 2:MPEG1, 10
VD, 11:VCD, 12:SVCD
VideoResolution = 0 // 0:720x480(576), 1:480x480(576), 2:352x480(576), 3:320x240(28
GopSize = 15 // 1(6) or 15 (6 in old drivers, 1 in new driver)
ClosedGop = 0 // 0:Open Gop, 1:Closed Gop
AudioMode = 0 // 0:Stereo, 1;Joint Stereo, 2
ual Channel, 3:Mono
AudioCrc = 0 // 0
isable, 1:Enable
AudioFrequency = 1 // 0:44.1kHz, 1:48kHz, 2:32Khz
AudioCompression= 11 // 4:64Kbit, 8:128Kbit, 9:160Kbit, 10:192Kbit, 11:224Kbit, 12:256Kbit, 14:384Kbit
InverseTelecine = 0 // 0:OFF, 1:ON
CopyProtection = 0 // 0:OFF, 1:ON
BitrateMode = 1 // 0:CBR, 1:VBR
BitrateAve = 4000 // Kbits
BitratePeak = 6000 // Kbits
OutputType = 0
VideoResolution = 1
GopSize = 15
ClosedGop = 0
AudioMode = 0
AudioCrc = 0
AudioFrequency = 0
AudioCompression= 11
InverseTelecine = 0
CopyProtection = 0
BitrateMode = 1
BitrateAve = 2250
BitratePeak = 3000
OutputType = 11
VideoResolution = 3
GopSize = 15
ClosedGop = 0
AudioMode = 0
AudioCrc = 0
AudioFrequency = 1
AudioCompression= 14
InverseTelecine = 0
CopyProtection = 0
BitrateMode = 0
BitrateAve = 1150
BitratePeak = 0
Hue = 0 // [0-255], 0:default
Brightness = 136 // [0-255], 136:default
Contrast = 72 // [0-255], 72:default
Saturation = 71 // [0-255], 71:default
Sharpness = 2 // [0-255], 2:default
Scart1Volume = 0x7201 // bits[15:8] - 0x7F:+12dB, 0x73:0dB, 0x72:-dB, 0x01:-114dB, 0x00:Mute
ScartPrescale = 0x1900 // bits[15:8] - 0x7F:+14dB, 0x19:0dB, 0x00
NicamPrescale = 0x5A00 // bits[15:8] - 0x7F:+12dB, 0x5A:9dB, 0x20:0dB, 0x00
FmAmPrescale = 0x2400 // bits[15:8] - 0x7F:28kHz, 0x48:50kHz, 0x30:75kHz, 0x24:100kHz, 0x18:150kHz, 0x13:180kHz
DisableFilter = 1 // 0:Enable, 1
MedianFilter = 3 // 0
isable, 1:Horizontal, 2:Vertical, 3:Horz&Vert(default), 4
MedianCoringLumaHi = 0 // [0-255], 0:default
MedianCoringLumaLo = 255 // [0-255], 255:default
MedianCoringChromaHi = 0 // [0-255], 0:default
MedianCoringChromaLo = 255 // [0-255], 255:default
LumaSpatialFlt = 3 // 0
isable, 1:1D Horiz, 2:1D Vert, 3:2D Horz & Vert Seperatable(default), 4:2D Non Seperable
ChromaSpatialFlt = 1 // 0
isable, 1:1D Horz(default)
DNRMode = 3 // 0:StaticBoth, 1:StaticTime/DynamicSpace, 2
ynamicTime/StaticSpace, 3
DNRSpatialFltLevel = 0 // [0-15], 0:default
DNRTemporalFltLevel = 0 // [0-15], 0:default
DNRSmoothFactor = 200 // [0-255], 200:default
DNR_Ntlf_Max_Y = 15 // [0-15], 15:default
DNR_Ntlf_Max_UV = 15 // [0-15], 15:default
DNRTemporalMultFactor= 48 // [0-255], 48:default
DNRTemporalAddFactor = 4 // [0-15], 4:default
DNRSpatialMultFactor = 21 // [0-255], 21:default
DNRSpatialSubFactor = 2 // [0-15], 2:default
LumaNLTFLevel = 0 // [0-15], 0:default
LumaNLTFCoEffIndex = 0 // [0-16], 0:default
LumaNLTFCoEffValue = 0 // [0-255], 0:default
VIMZoneHeight = 2 // [0-15], 2:default