12-21-2005, 10:17 PM
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PC-BSD is now in the final stages before releasing 1.0.
PC-BSD is a FreeBSD based operative system that tries to make things easier for newbies in the *BSD business.
Ideas were taken from a lot of other successful *nix projects like an installation GUI or an applications installer/uninstaller very similar to M$.
This way instead of ports the user has (single file) PBI packages that create an uninstaller.
The project aims to deliver a desktop (not server) OS capable of fighting with WinXP with support for the major hardware that you can find around these days.
Take a look at it at http://www.pcbsd.org/ and stay tunned for the official launch that can happen before the end of Q1 of 2006.
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12-22-2005, 02:51 AM
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looks interesting, maybe i'll install it.
12-24-2005, 07:44 AM
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I recomend DesktopBSD.
It doesn't use "another problem making" package solution. In stead it has very powerfull guibased freebsd ports manager. I use it for couple of months on my laptop (also for KDVD  ).
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12-24-2005, 09:10 AM
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Hi Hydeus  ,
I don't want to start a topic like "pc-bsd vs desktopbsd" but there's something in your post that surprises me.
You talk about "another problem making" package solution.
You're talking about PBI, pc-bsd installer.
Actually this installer was built to ease things for newbies.
It only becomes a problem if your program suddenly has an upgrade available and you still have to wait for the PBI manager to build a new installer for the new version.
And if software companies and small OSS contributors would build their BSD software in PBI we wouldn't even be here talking about this issue.
IMHO PBIs are what every other BSD should have because it is reaaaally easy to use.
Anyway this is the 1st time I hear about desktopbsd.
Also looks like an interesting project and I even might take a closer look at it one of these days.
Until then I'll be dual booting between XP and PC-BSD  .
EDITED: BTW, here's something to laugh about.
They've made a PBI for desktopBSD utils http://www.pbidir.com/packages.php?code=149.
Merry Xmas and see you later  .
12-24-2005, 03:45 PM
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Don't want to start vs topis either. I've tryed PC-BSD also and it's great, but generaly I don't like all .deb, .rpm, .etc. Pbi's has one advantage that they solve dependency hell  but still it's not my bet.
I think that dBSD is more than only this utility 
Check out this distrowatch review for some comparition.
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12-24-2005, 04:02 PM
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The good thing is that they are "both-the-same", because you can just install the standard "ports" collection, and have your regular "make install", which automatically solves all dependencies and installs the software 
And I always try first: pkg_add -vr "MyPackage" before using the ports collection
12-25-2005, 04:47 AM
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Yes. Generaly they both just freeBSD with nice gui instaler and preloaded KDE (with additives). One of main laws was: "thal shal not intereference in stable BSD base"
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12-25-2005, 04:50 AM
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Actually I hope both projects have a promissing future.
As said I will also give dBSD a run for it's money one of these days.
Nice seeing you active here Hydeus  .
01-21-2006, 09:04 PM
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Just to update the news, version 1.0RC2 was just released
Here's a copy of the change log:
PCBSD 1.0RC2 - Changelog
1-20-06 (Kris Moore)
* Updated Core FreeBSD with latest security patches.
* Upgraded KDE to 3.5
* Fixed loading of "kcm fileshare" KDE module.
* Online update checker now runs at system startup.
* Only approiate sound module is loaded now.
* Disabled DMA support during system installation process.
* Some special characters are now prohibited from password creation.
* Many packages have been updated to current versions.
* System tool now uses portsnap to update ports.
* New PBI Crash Handler.
* Fixed kdmrc out of date message at boot.
* Misc bugfixes.
And here's a comment from one of the developer, posted at osnews:
Thank you. Yes, I think PC-BSD need to reach a critical mass. Once PC-BSD is among the top 10 distros, and people really talk about by words of mouth, PC-BSD will really skyrocket. We're solving problems one after the other. PC-BSD is a layer on top of FreeBSD 6, and indeed, FreeBSD is quite rough around the corners, but each new release is easier to the end user.
Hardware detection is now very good, fonts are also at the same level of quality as OS X or Windows. System Installation is easier that Windows, and software installation also is as easy as on Windows (double-click a .pbi file), but faster. The system itself is very stable and performant (Thanks, FreeBSD!).
And best of all, we have a handfull of Linux software available for PC-BSD (Opera, Flash Player, Java, DB Designer, Zend Studio, games, etc...) that runs very fast, and can be downloaded from http://www.pbidir.com
I think 2006 will be a good for PC-BSD because we will still enhance some functionalities, to make it even easier to use and to install. Then 2007 may be the year of PC-BSD :)
01-23-2006, 10:14 AM
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Thanks for the tip Karl  .
12-31-2006, 01:23 PM
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Go and get it
PCBSD 1.3 - Changelog
12-31-06 (Kris Moore)
* Upgraded system to KDE 3.5.5
* Fixed issues with connecting to CUPS for printing
* Added HAL support for default media backend
* Added ability to user-mount disks in HAL
* Cleaned up Konquerors default look-n-feel for web browsing
* Fixed issues with toolbar colors and sidebar colors
* Added support for running Flash content on native BSD browsers
* Added more options to services menu to disable / enable system services
* Fixed bug with errors while running in single user-mode
* Fixed output of system installer while running upgrade
12-31-2006, 02:53 PM
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Is FreeBSD 6.2 out already?
Everybody was holding out their new BSD "distros" until FreeBSD was officially launched  .
It will be downloading while I spend my new years' eve at my relatives.
Want to try it out tomorrow  .
Thanks Karl  .
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