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01-14-2007, 11:32 AM
rds_correia rds_correia is offline
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Hi guys.
I've been using Astraweb and my own ISP NNTP server for ~ 1 year.
During that time I evaluated Newsleecher, Binary News Ripper, GrabIt and PAN.
They're all very good but Newsleecher is not free/open-source.
GrabIt is for Win32 only, BNR hasn't been updated for ages and PAN is currently under heavy development so heavy that sometimes it doesn't work plus it needs GTK framework (similar to .Net or Java).
Right now I am evaluating SABnzbd.
It is platform free because it was coded in Python .
I'll tell ya, it's still missing some features but:
- it supports and decodes yenc
- it supports NZB files
- it is started as an application but it's GUI is (only!) available through an http client like IE/FF/Opera
- it supports unlimited service providers
- it downloads the rar files and -only- the first PAR2 file to check if the download was ok and it only downloads the rest of the PARs if the download went bad.
- it uses less ram and less cpu cycles than any other news reader that I've tried before
- it has an internal scheduler
- it supports rss feeds
- it does not support message writing/uploading!

At the end of the day I find it one of the best (if not the best) free news readers.
And the web GUI makes it perfect to be controlled remotely like eMule http client or uTorrent http client.
Remember: usenet is very similar to P2P networks but instead of downloading from another peer you will be downloading from a news/mail server meaning that the speed is blazing fast.
Usenet rule #1 - don't ever mention/talk about usenet, but since this is a "closed" forum I think it's safe to openly talk about it.
Oh, I almost forgot, to search for NZBs files use the free sites like Newzleech, Binsearch.info or alt.binaries.nl.
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