Sorry guys but thats a point RUI and me did found out when MencodeME does some resizing ordering.
I dont know but maybe mencald uses a "routine" wehre first cropping and then resizing is used BUT stores in the script first sclaing and then resizing.
RUI snd me we did just "exchange" the position of Crop and scale and the FPS jumped UP!!!! So Vinicius should check that!
RUI can also give you some wors on EXACT that problem.
EncoderMaster, its nice to see your link but till now only DVD encodings with packshot are supported ... KSVCD support and muxing will folow (although I dont recommend it! as mencoder behaves VERRRY trick in case of veeeery low bitrate encodings!) .... bit Packshot 1.05 is cooking in the oven! And its just a matter of rewirting the resizing routine so active film areas will be supported as they have been reportet that the noise will be seen on partially balck bars afterwards!
But Im thinking of releasing it "now"! As it would work now using the also correct working Mencalc engine and as it supports a "Commandline only" mode where you easely could get into the generated bat where you can add/tweak the commandline by i.E. using FitCD/MS values for resizing!
But my player gots no problems with bitrate drops in DVD mode for instance to 100kbit! So IF your Player is compatible ... as many users also did use min=64kbit even in Tmpgenc ... that will be no problem.