Hello bazzy2004, well thank you very much for the guide
, it seems very easy to follow but I have a few questions:
1. I'm trying to a KDVD but I don't see an option on the program, what do I do?
I think I made a KVCD 720X480/576, the picture was just fine but at the beggening and at the end when there was the tiltle and the credits the letters just kept on blinking and where on different part of the screen,
2. How do I fix this problem?
3. Why does the SKVCD have an extra "S" is it better than a regular KVCD? If so why does it have a lower resolution?
I reinstalled the DVD2SVCD to see if the problem will get fix, but now the MA script reads like this:
1=GripCrop(^TargetWidth, ^TargetHeight+^BorderTop+^BorderBottom, overscan=^overscan, source_anamorphic=^source_ana, dest_anamorphic=^dest_ana)
4=Asharp(1, 4)
5=STMedianFilter(^S_FilterThreshHold, ^S_EdgeThreshHold, 0, 0 )
8=SwitchThreshold = (Width<=352) ? 4 : (Width<=480) ? 3 : 2
9=ScriptClip("nf = round(YDifferenceToNext())"+chr(13)+ "((nf >= SwitchThreshold) && (nf < ^scdtrigger)) ? unfilter(-(fmin(nf*2,100)),-(fmin(nf*2,100))) : TemporalCleaner(6+nf,11+nf) ")
11=function fmin(int f1, int f2) { return (f1<f2) ? f1 : f2 }
12=function ConvertToYUY2(clip c){ return isYV12(c) ? c : convertToYV12(c) }
13=# Import(!PreResize.avs)
15=# Import(!PostResize.avs)
17=Asharp(1, 4)
18=STMedianFilter(^S_FilterThreshHold, ^S_EdgeThreshHold, 0, 0 )
21=SwitchThreshold = (Width<=352) ? 4 : (Width<=480) ? 3 : 2
22=ScriptClip("nf = round(YDifferenceToNext())"+chr(13)+ "((nf >= SwitchThreshold) && (nf < ^scdtrigger)) ? unfilter(-(fmin(nf*2,100)),-(fmin(nf*2,100))) : TemporalCleaner(6+nf,11+nf) ")
23=function fmin(int f1, int f2) { return (f1<f2) ? f1 : f2 }
24=function ConvertToYUY2(clip c){ return isYV12(c) ? c : convertToYV12(c) }
25=# Import(!PreResize.avs)
27=# Import(!PostResize.avs)
29=Asharp(1, 4)
30=STMedianFilter(^S_FilterThreshHold, ^S_EdgeThreshHold, 0, 0 )
33=SwitchThreshold = (Width<=352) ? 4 : (Width<=480) ? 3 : 2
34=ScriptClip("nf = round(YDifferenceToNext())"+chr(13)+ "((nf >= SwitchThreshold) && (nf < ^scdtrigger)) ? unfilter(-(fmin(nf*2,100)),-(fmin(nf*2,100))) : TemporalCleaner(6+nf,11+nf) ")
35=function fmin(int f1, int f2) { return (f1<f2) ? f1 : f2 }
36=function ConvertToYUY2(clip c){ return isYV12(c) ? c : convertToYV12(c) }
!PreResize.avs=C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\Avisynth2.5 Plugins\FACAR\PreResize.avs
!FACAR.avs=C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\Avisynth2.5 Plugins\FACAR\FACAR.avs
!PostResize.avs=C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\Avisynth2.5 Plugins\FACAR\PostResize.avs
4. Can you post the original MA script? Or is this normal and should just go to the next step?
5. Is the giude that you are posting tomorrow will help us with the kDVD?
Thank you so much, and sorry for all of my questions.