Originally Posted by The Untouchable
I'm alittle confused, 1 says (1.85:1 Anamorphic widescreen) but is fullscreen on my 4:3 tv & on my computer.
If really 1.85, you should have a very little border (16px) on the PC but not on the TV as they is often an automatic zoom that remove that border.
Now, it arrives that the 1.85 (cinema A/R) is not really respected on the DVD and they are in fact already "zoomed" to 1.77, making that little border disapear.
But as I said, on your PC the picture should be fullscreen BUT cone-headed.
(Brought to you in widescreen format. The black bars at the top & bottom of screen are normal)
Yes, these are the little 16px border I'm speaking just above. But a lot of TV won't display them, as explained above also
But it does'nt have any black bars on my 4:3 tv or the computer.
You have a 4:3 tv or a 16:9 one ? The border can be eaten by the overscan. But on the PC you should see it. But with which player are you watching the DVD on your PC ?
And please, answer to this : ARE THE PICTURE CONE-HEADED OR NOT ?
Do these movies play in 4:3 on regular tv's & then automaticly turn into widescreen when played on a widescreen tv ?
Not, except is you set you standalone one "4:3 PS". But then that is the standalone that turn it (badly) in 4:3 by cutting the right/left sides!
I've played other widescreen movies on my tv & they have the black bars on top & bottom, why dont these?
Other movies were also 1.85 or 2.35 ? On 2.35 border is 72px and not 16 ! It's difficult to remove it without distort all the picture and that is probably the diff
My dvd player is set to "Auto detect screen frmat"
NEVER do that !