Originally Posted by Dialhot
That is the way second part that gave me problems (the first one is done simply by adding a "ChangeFPS(23.976)" as last line of the script).
I think thats one of the worsed conversions you could do. As a change FPS just doubes delete frames if proceeded on framebased sources (means not bobbed ones). This will do end up in jerky videos. Sometimes less, sometimes more.
And thats why there does exist "changeFPS()" which procceds the source on a differrent way as by this beside doubled frames dynamical phase shifts and blendings are applied, so the stream looks smooth afterwards. BUT then you have to encode interlacedfinaly.
And even here it isn't the right way to just apply a convertFPS(23.976).
Normally you do it as describet below.
KernelBob(...) # A very good bobber (= full field to framerate deinterlacer, 50fps will be the result)
LanczosResize(720, 576)
SelectEvery(4, 1, 2)
But anyway, to me it seems that its quite difficult doing a conversion from PAL-NTSC or the other way around in DVD RB, as you need a function above .... IF DVD RB doesnt reencode the Audio (which I do assume).