Quantcast DVD2SVCD: D2sroba Target MPV Bitrate is Either Too High or Low - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
09-04-2004, 08:20 PM
bazzy2004 bazzy2004 is offline
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i have recently just ran into a problem with D2SRoba...

the target mpv bitrate is either tooooooo high or low, i cannot understand why this is??

any idea? heres the log:-

D2SRoBa v3.50, by Tylo
- WIN_XP - AutoIt
- 2004-09-05 02:09:21
- Output type : DVD
- CD size : 4350
- Number of CD's : 1 (max 32)
- Sample percent : 1.0
- Adjust % : 1.2
- Cond. sizing pass : Yes (Transcode if opv sz > 0.3% oversize, and Q <= 40)
(Encode if opv sz < 2.5% undersize, or Q > 40)
- Clean previous : No
- Run mode : Crash recovery
- Waiting for CCE window ...
- Detected a CCE encode window
- Detected the movie encode window - shutting down
- 2004-09-05 02:10:32
- Project dir: C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\Movie\
- Config file: C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVD.INI
- Avisynth ini: C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\Movie\AVISYNTH.INI
- Avisynth setup: [MA for 4:3 interlaced sources], cond. filter: None
- D2S ver., CCE ver.
- Movie length : 01:56:14 (174367 frames, 25 fps)
- D2S audio select : 448 + 755 kbps
- D2S video calc. : -31657 kbps, 1 CDs
- Select Ranges : every 1200, select 12 frames
- Sample frames : 1752
- 1 CD: video_br=-31657 (-31657) audio_br=448+755 video_sz=-27599680595 fill=100% cbr=0
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
- Using num CDs : 1
- Target mpv BR : -31657 (max 8000) kbps, size=-27599680595 bytes
Search for Q:
- Sample encode : Q=14: 2043 kbps, err=-106.5%, size=1781885434, sample sz=17903980 [reused]
- Sample encode : Q=6:

i had 3.6 first, that was same, so i uninstalled it n re install same prob, then i tried 3.5 n still the same..

any ideas?

any comment/answers/help much appreciated

im a noob, sorry!
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Someday, 12:01 PM
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09-04-2004, 09:33 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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if you stop, the prog was not encoding but only searching the Q value..

i never had problems....but answer me :
your source is dvd?
why did you "reuse" the Q search? (is posted on the log)

before the video encode choose "edit as part of video encode"
then, when the script will "pop up".
open the script in vdubmod and see if you don't have problems with filters,etc!
the script open in vdubmod?
click ok in the pop up and d2s will run again encoding the video!
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09-05-2004, 08:27 AM
bazzy2004 bazzy2004 is offline
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source is dvd
and i did not re-use the q search.

i have never had a problem before, its just started now and im confused
i have tried wot u suggested, and the .avs file works fine...

just wen it comes to testin the mpv bitrate is -30000

this is the avs file:-

LoadPlugin("C:\DVDENC~1\DVD2SVCD\AVISYN~1.5PL\Mpeg 2dec\MPEG2D~1.DLL")
MPEG2Source("C:\DVDENC~1\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVD2AV~1.D 2V")

this is the d2sroba log:-

D2SRoBa v3.60, by Tylo
- WIN_XP - AutoIt
- 2004-09-05 14:08:56
- Output type : DVD
- CD size : 4350
- Threshold Q : 46
- Sample size : 1.0%
- Adjust estimated : 1.2%
- Cond. sizing pass : Yes (Transcode if opv sz > 0.4% oversize, and Q <= 40)
(Encode if opv sz < 3.0% undersize, or Q > 40)
- Cond. filtering : No
- Run mode : Crash recovery
- Restarting C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\Movie\dvd2svcd project file.d2s
- Waiting for CCE window ...
- Detected a CCE encode window
- Detected the movie encode window - shutting down
- 2004-09-05 14:10:40
- Project dir: C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\Movie\
- Avisynth setup: LanczosResize
- Configured cond. filter: None
- D2S ver., CCE ver.
- Movie length : 01:56:14 (174367 frames, 25 fps)
- D2S audio select : 448 + 755 kbps
- D2S video calc. : -31657 kbps, 1 CDs
- Select ranges : every 1200, select 12 frames
- Sample frames : 1752
- 1 CD: video_br=-31657 (-31657) audio_br=448+755 video_sz=-27599680595 fill=100% cbr=0
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
- Using num CDs : 1
- Target mpv br : -31657 (max 8000) kbps, size=-27599680595 bytes
Search for Q:
- Sample enc. Q=14 : 2127 kbps, err=-106.7%, size=1855007310, sample sz=18638692
- Sample enc. Q=6 :

this is the dvd2svcd log:-

- 05/09/2004 13:46:49
- DVD to SVCD Conversion
- DVD2DVD ver. 1.2.2 build 3
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_0.IFO
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_1.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_2.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_3.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_4.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_5.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_6.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_7.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_8.vob
Initializing finished.

- 05/09/2004 13:46:52
Creating DVD2AVI INI file:

Variable settings:
iDCT_Algorithm: 32-bit SSE MMX

Executing DVD2AVI.
Executing DVD2AVI. Commandline:
"C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\DVD2AVI\DVD2AVI.exe" -CS=2 -YR=1 -OM=0 -EXIT -OF=[C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVD2AVI_Project_file] -IF=[C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_1.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_2.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_3.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_4.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_5.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_6.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_7.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_8.vob]
Framerate: 25000
DVD2AVI processing done.

- 05/09/2004 13:47:14
- Free on drive C: 88152.62 mb
- AUDIO Extraction
Found DTS stream id: 0x89
Filename: C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Extracted_audio_2.dts
Found AC3 stream id: 0x80
Filename: C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Extracted_audio_1.ac3

Audio1 delay: 0 ms
Audio2 delay: 0 ms
Audio extraction finished.

- 05/09/2004 13:58:30
- Free on drive C: 87109.18 mb
- Video Encoding using Cinema Craft

Executing Cinema Craft Encoder.
Cannot load CCE project file. Retry #1
Cannot load CCE project file. Retry #2
Cannot load CCE project file. Retry #3
Cannot load CCE project file. Retry #4
StreamSectors: 4546875788
AudioSectors: 56026992
VideoPAPO: 69565644
ScanOffsetBytes: 360
SeqAligningBytes: 22880
DVDBytes: 0
VideoEndHeader: 4
SubtitleSectors: 0
EmptySectors: 238.00
PictureSectors: 0.00
PureMPEGStream: 4421259908.00
Seconds: 12.00
CalcMPEGStream: 4421259908.00
Frames: 240
CDSize: 4350.00
Number of CDs: 1
Cut point 4346.00
Variable Settings:
Frames: 240
Anti Noise Filter: Off
Passes: 3
Image Quality: 17
VAF file creation: On
Video Encoding Mode: One Pass VBR
Q. Factor: 60
Min. bitrate: 800
Max. bitrate: 7200
Aspect Ratio: Anamorphic (no borders, encoded as 16:9)

---AVS Begin---
LoadPlugin("C:\DVDENC~1\DVD2SVCD\AVISYN~1.5PL\Mpeg 2dec\MPEG2D~1.DLL")
MPEG2Source("C:\DVDENC~1\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVD2AV~1.D 2V")
Import("C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\Movie\ResampleAudio.avs")
----AVS End----

Closing program
CCE Max Speed: 1.290
Video Encoding finished.

- 05/09/2004 13:59:31
- Free on drive C: 87108.05 mb
- Converting Pictures from ES to PS
Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
- 05/09/2004 13:59:34
- Free on drive C: 87108.10 mb
- Converting Pictures from ES to PS
Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
- 05/09/2004 13:59:36
- Free on drive C: 87108.09 mb
- Converting Pictures from ES to PS
Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
- 05/09/2004 13:59:39
- Free on drive C: 87108.09 mb
- Multiplexing and cutting
Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
Offset in Seconds: 5
Executing bbMPEG.
Variable Settings:
Movie offset: 5 seconds
Cut point: 4346 mb

Executing RunbbMPEG. Commandline:
"C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\nothing.bat" "C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\Movie\bbMPEG_Muxed_File.mpg"
Multiplexing and cutting finished.

Image creation finished.

- 05/09/2004 13:59:43
- Free on drive C: 87108.09 mb
- Conversion done!
- 05/09/2004 14:02:51
- DVD to SVCD Conversion
- DVD2DVD ver. 1.2.2 build 3
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_0.IFO
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_1.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_2.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_3.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_4.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_5.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_6.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_7.vob
- C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_8.vob
Initializing finished.

- 05/09/2004 14:03:08
- DVD to SVCD Conversion
- DVD2DVD ver. 1.2.2 build 3
Initializing finished.

- 05/09/2004 14:03:14
- Free on drive C: 87106.12 mb
- Crash Recovery
- Restarting from: From the start
- 05/09/2004 14:03:15
Creating DVD2AVI INI file:

Variable settings:
iDCT_Algorithm: 32-bit SSE MMX

Executing DVD2AVI.
Executing DVD2AVI. Commandline:
"C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\DVD2AVI\DVD2AVI.exe" -CS=2 -YR=1 -OM=0 -EXIT -OF=[C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVD2AVI_Project_file] -IF=[C:\Documents and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_1.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_2.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_3.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_4.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_5.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_6.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_7.vob,C:\Doc uments and Settings\Shahbaz\Desktop\SPMAN\VTS_04_8.vob]
Framerate: 25000
DVD2AVI processing done.

Saving Subtitles ini file
- 05/09/2004 14:08:33
- Free on drive C: 87105.66 mb
- AUDIO Extraction
- 05/09/2004 14:09:01
- DVD to SVCD Conversion
- DVD2DVD ver. 1.2.2 build 3
Initializing finished.

- 05/09/2004 14:09:13
- Free on drive C: 87105.66 mb
- Crash Recovery
- Restarting from: Video encoding
- 05/09/2004 14:09:17
- Free on drive C: 87105.66 mb
- Video Encoding using Cinema Craft
- Editing AVS script file

Executing Cinema Craft Encoder.
StreamSectors: 4546875788
AudioSectors: 32571680372
VideoPAPO: -434119176
ScanOffsetBytes: 261551
SeqAligningBytes: 16622987
DVDBytes: 0
VideoEndHeader: 4
SubtitleSectors: 0
EmptySectors: 238.00
PictureSectors: 0.00
PureMPEGStream: -27607569949.83
Seconds: 6976.68
CalcMPEGStream: -27607569949.83
Frames: 174367
CDSize: 4350.00
Number of CDs: 1
Cut point 4346.00
Variable Settings:
Frames: 174367
Anti Noise Filter: Off
Passes: 3
Image Quality: 17
VAF file creation: On
Video Encoding Mode: One Pass VBR
Q. Factor: 60
Min. bitrate: 800
Max. bitrate: -31657
Aspect Ratio: Anamorphic (no borders, encoded as 16:9)

---AVS Begin---
LoadPlugin("C:\DVDENC~1\DVD2SVCD\AVISYN~1.5PL\Mpeg 2dec\MPEG2D~1.DLL")
MPEG2Source("C:\DVDENC~1\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVD2AV~1.D 2V")
Import("C:\DVD Encoding\DVD2SVCD\Movie\ResampleAudio.avs")
----AVS End----

- 05/09/2004 14:12:07
- DVD to SVCD Conversion
- DVD2DVD ver. 1.2.2 build 3
Initializing finished.


any ideas

much appreciated

ps, i had to recover a few times, thats why the dvd2svcd log seems a bit strange
im a noob, sorry!
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09-05-2004, 11:49 AM
jorel jorel is offline
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from the log:
"Executing Cinema Craft Encoder.
Cannot load CCE project file. Retry #1 ...etc"

i'm not certain cos i don't use CCE267 that only works in XP/2000 (i'm still with 98se using 250 and/or 266) but seems that this version need eclcce to work like 266, take a look here: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.ph...threadid=50287

and i saw in the log: "Restarting from: From the start"...don't do that!
if you want to restart don't use file recover,trash everything in the output folder and start all again!

another in the log:
"Crash Recovery
- Restarting from: Video encoding "
when you use crash recovery in this step, will pop up an answer about to reuse the last search(i don't remember the right words)..select NO to do a new Q search!

more from log:
"- Clean previous : No "
always check "clean previous sample files" when you open ROBA!

oh my GOD...more:
change the position of deen,use always after the resize and before addborders like this:

you will get more compression and better deen results!

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