few minutes after your post,i was posting a answer and my pc.....

was the second time,see the reason:
the cooler of the cpu is too big and heavy and sometimes remove the cpu giving bad contact in the pins!
then was needed to open the pc,remove lots,put all agian,and remove the dust inside. was needed long time cos i have amplifiers and lots of things plugged in pc.
when all was ok a freinc call me: i need you ati card to record some vhs tapes. i can send my nvidea for you....is possible?
and i: of course.......and i remove all again!
the worse: the cd with the nvidea drives is damaged and i only can work with 16 colors.......

is "wonderfull" here!
well,back to topic:
why i still with 98se?
first: i have ghost images with all windows systems: 98se,ME,2k and XP.
all that i have in the pc is programs to do kvcds,kdvds and some for audio convertions.
i don' use office, and things like this.
my HDD master have 60GB and the c partition with 8GB and the remainder in D.......i have another HDD with 40GB for backups and it's outside the pc.

i have only 1,16Gb used with all that i need in C: with win98se
everything working perfect....no bugs....no errors.
if i install XP,it will need more 2 GB to do the same..means: more than 4 Gb to give me the same performance.only the "pagefile,sys" of XP,have more than 720Gb!
this for me is unaceptable!!!
second reason: as i posted.....my friend need my ati card that only work in 98se or ME.this card show better quality than the new studio 9.and my ati can work in ntsc,pal-g and pal-m(Brasil color system) and the new studio9 and lots more can't capture in pal-m.
then i still using for that reson : my ati card that is wonderfull !

my 98se don't break..i only do ghost images every weak with atualizations and to be safed.works like a charm.
but your right in some points:
of course that in next future i will change to XP cos some programs don't will work in 98se.
but i'm still working and my pc is faster with 98 than with XP!
if all you use run in 98,change it and get performance....the pc runs faster