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11-18-2004, 08:09 AM
zerotype zerotype is offline
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Originally Posted by sethmccauley
Sorry for not keeping up with this thread... here are my replies to several questions:

Originally Posted by fragmaster170
what did you use to create that? that looks oddly reminiscent of the particle effects from Particle Illusion
I used a program called "Livetype" which came with Apple's "Final Cut Pro 4" Suite.

Originally Posted by zerotype
Here are the files hosted on the 100mbit server I renamed them for simplstic reasons only hope it does not upset you...
Actually it kinda does, but I guess there's not much I can do if that's what you feel is necessary, although I don't see how it's really more complicated to have my name in the filename (at least when hosting it). I decided to do it that way so that I would still be credited with making it without putting a large intrusive "made by" text in the middle of those movie clips (KVCD... go to www.kvcd.net... LOGO BY SETH MCCAULEY!!!!.... just seemed cheesy). I also wanted it this way since I figured (correctly) that the files would end up on various FTP servers with no description of the files. Many times clips like this simply become anonymous this way and no one ever knows where they orignally came from. I suppose I've learned my lesson though (about trusting people to respect the work I put in to these)... next time I'll probably just put my name in the video. Can't go wrong there. I have to admit though, I'm a bit amazed that it only took three days for someone to strip my name off the filemane.

That's how I feel about it, anyway. I would at least prefer the people hosting the files to give me credit in some manor, and this is the only way I can think of in a file server without descriptions. I did, however, post these files here as a gift to the KVCD community to be used in whatever way people want. I submit/transfer the copyrights for these clips to Karl Wagner and KVCD.net to be used however he decides as long as he gives me credit for making them whenever possible (which he has done quite well). I didn't expect to get like, world recognition for this, LOL. I would like to get credit for doing them for more than three days though (Zerotype).

If nothing else, could you call them "SAM's KVCD Intro" (my initials) or "Seth's KVCD Intro"? It would be much appreciated.

Originally Posted by fingerbob
Is *.mov the preferred file extention for these? Anyone looking to use these will surely have to transcode them to *.mpg before making a K(S)VCD/KDVD?

Or is that the whole point, since each person will be doing encodings at different bitrates and resolutions?
OK, I figured someone would be asking this. I did all my editing on a Apple G5, so Quicktime is the main format used in nearly every program. I have actually come to like it, at least during editing, for it's level of quality at most compression levels. I know alot of people though that think, "Awww man, I gotta install quicktime to play this?", but I did it for a reason. While the editing software (Final Cut Pro) does export to Windows formats such as AVI, the compression codes for those formats is vastly out of date (which would mean poor quality files). I could re-encode the files on my PC, but that would mean the clips end up being compressed three times by the time you're done coverting them to VCD/DVD format. I also figured most everyone would be able to re-encode them... even the older versions of TMPEGEnc support quicktime movies (with a plug-in).

"Or is that the whole point"... Yes. I thought about encoding these to each format of VCD/SVCD/DVD, but that would be tons of files and might not be the same settings that everyone wants to use. If anyone needs these in a different format, I could export them to AVI but can't guarantee they'll be as high quality. I should go install the DivX codec on the Mac...


And last but not least, thanks!... glad you liked the way it looked (Kwag, Dialhot, Zerotype). The only thing I'm not %100 sure of is the sound. I didn't spend as much time on the music, and I didn't use any sound effects. Any ideas? Should I change it? It seems a little old to me with that music (like something out of the '80s...). Let me know.
I only renamed them as stuff usualy does not work on ym ftp server with spaces in the file name although when the d/l section gets updated it can say kvcd intro by Seth Mccaukey but sine their is not a link to it on the site I will not do it yet.
zerotype=a type of skateboard
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11-18-2004, 10:47 AM
kwag kwag is offline
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I suggest you embed your name (small font) in a little corner, maybe bottom right , and maybe 2 seconds before the end of the intro, and scrolling horizontally ( to keep the "logo killers" out! )
Please do that, and send them in again. I'll remove all other links, and post the new ones.

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11-18-2004, 05:39 PM
zerotype zerotype is offline
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That'd be fine with me again sorry for removing your name.
zerotype=a type of skateboard
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11-19-2004, 01:28 AM
sethmccauley sethmccauley is offline
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Originally Posted by zerotype
I only renamed them as stuff usualy does not work on ym ftp server with spaces in the file name although when the d/l section gets updated it can say kvcd intro by Seth Mccaukey but sine their is not a link to it on the site I will not do it yet.
Um, not sure what you mean... there never were any spaces in the filename: I specifically used underscores instead of spaces just so it download correctly. Try it (the way it was named) and I'm sure there will be no problems.

Originally Posted by kwag

I suggest you embed your name (small font) in a little corner, maybe bottom right , and maybe 2 seconds before the end of the intro, and scrolling horizontally ( to keep the "logo killers" out! )
Please do that, and send them in again. I'll remove all other links, and post the new ones.

Hmmm.... OK, but I won't have time to re-encode it for a day or two. I'm not sure it will matter now though since the clips are already out without my name on them. I'll know better next time though.
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11-19-2004, 02:45 AM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by sethmccauley
Hmmm.... OK, but I won't have time to re-encode it for a day or two. I'm not sure it will matter now though since the clips are already out without my name on them. I'll know better next time though.
Hi Seth,

I should have edited the posts earlier Sorry
I've deleted all links, except the ones pointing to your original filenames.
When you have some time, please re-submit the new intros, and I'll update the links on the main page.
Do you want me to delete the links that are on the main page at www.kvcd.net

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11-19-2004, 03:22 AM
sethmccauley sethmccauley is offline
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Originally Posted by kwag
Hi Seth,

I should have edited the posts earlier Sorry
np.... I hadn't said my thoughts on it yet, so you didn't know.

Originally Posted by kwag
Do you want me to delete the links that are on the main page at www.kvcd.net

Wow, thnx. Ya, if you would, I appreciate it. I'll get to work on the new ones tonight (shouldn't take too long)....
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11-19-2004, 06:23 AM
incredible incredible is offline
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Originally Posted by Dialhot
As said by someone above, tmpgenc can read en convert to MPEG2 (or MPEG1) all you .mov logos. So do not bother to deliver them as avi.
The problem when doing your Work on an Apple machine is that THERE IS a support of the true avi architecture file format via Quicktime, but there available the known avi codecs out of the Windows world we are used to like latest mpeg4 ones. Only at .mov format you can encode using 3vix or divx but as "nomen est omen" a .mov architecture format would be the result.

So the best way via MAC would be: A .mov encoded sing the 3vix codec for quicktime which could be handled via TmpgEncs Quicktime reader plugin (as you already recommended). Or a direct mpeg encoding out of FinalCutPro but apples Quicktime mpeg2 encoder is not known to be the best (well that was the case two years ago )
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11-19-2004, 07:11 AM
sethmccauley sethmccauley is offline
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Originally Posted by incredible
The problem when doing your Work on an Apple machine is that THERE IS a support of the true avi architecture file format via Quicktime, but there available the known avi codecs out of the Windows world we are used to like latest mpeg4 ones. Only at .mov format you can encode using 3vix or divx but as "nomen est omen" a .mov architecture format would be the result.

So the best way via MAC would be: A .mov encoded sing the 3vix codec for quicktime which could be handled via TmpgEncs Quicktime reader plugin (as you already recommended). Or a direct mpeg encoding out of FinalCutPro but apples Quicktime mpeg2 encoder is not known to be the best (well that was the case two years ago )
I use Final Cut Pro 4, which comes with a program called "Compressor" designed specifically for encoding to MPEG2 for using in DVD Studio Pro, although I doubt you would want the file it would create (large file size). Also, I can encode to at least 5 other video formats besides Quicktime right out of FCP, but most are not commonly supported by PCs. For example, the MPEG4 format that FCP encodes in uses enhancements that seem to only work on the Mac (I haven't played with the settings though... may be a way to get it to work). Unfortunately, this is a commong practice by both Microsoft and Apple: designing the software to work best on only their operating system.

The Quicktime format (at least via Final Cut Pro) includes 26 different compression codecs. The AVI format only supported DV codecs (which most people don't have installed) and Cinepak *cringe*. The quicktime movies I uploaded were encoded with Quicktime's MPEG4 codec which is the default codec (ISO has adopted the Quicktime format as the standard for MPEG4 content). I don't want to sound like a Mac-only PC hater.... I'm a very avid PC user as well, and a big fan of the DivX and Xvid codecs. I have installed DivX onto the Mac, but I had some problems encoding to that format (got an error message when I tried to export to DivX). Could have to do with my version of OSX being out of date though.
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11-19-2004, 08:18 AM
incredible incredible is offline
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Exactly thats what I tried to say about less AVI compression capabilities of Macintosh.

I also did my video jobs up to 2002 on a MAC where in that time the apple mpeg2 engine did a poor job and I switched to ffmpegX
But in the beginning of 2003 I switched to PC ( Oh yes me an Apple adicted *lol*) and I see clearly that both worlds got their advantages.
Final Cut Pro ... IMHO one of the best cutting/editing apps.
DVDstudio PRO ... IMHO the best user interface in a DVDauthor. appl.
But PC better in mpeg encoding support by more choices in engines available
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12-09-2004, 09:31 AM
sethmccauley sethmccauley is offline
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OK guys, I'm sending the updated clips right now. Thanks for being patient everyone!

I tried something different with the music... let me know which version of the music you like better (once the files are posted, that is).
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12-09-2004, 10:15 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Thanks Seth

The logos are up
Here they are:


Again, thank you very much

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