I want to make back-ups of our Disney DVD collection for our first child to use. I have done several but useing the standard templates in TMPG program, but some are 2 cds and not very good quality. I want to be able to encode on one cd so my child does not have to change cds half way in the movie. I was hoping if someone could post the way they do it so I can have an idea of the steps I need to follow. I have not used FitCD or separated the audio before I encode. I tried to read other posts here but it seems like I only pick up bits and pieces of what I need to do first but still get confused, I also tried to read the read me on Fitcd and also got confused. Please let me know if these steps are in the wrong order or completely wrong.
1. Extract the audio (what freeware program can I use)
2. Load .avi into FitCD. Do I leave everything alone (its going to be viewed on a standard 25 to 27 in TV.
3. Do I leave the script alone (uncomment/comment????)
4. Open TMPG and select 352X240 Plus Template (where do I load the script and audio file).
5. Encode and burn with VCDeasy.
Please Help!!! She has already worn out 2 limited edition DVDs!!!