Quantcast Convert AVI to 141 Minute KVCD? - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
05-23-2005, 01:21 PM
Spotteri Spotteri is offline
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I just had a pleasant surprise . Usually I make KVCDs out of DVD sources but this time I had to use an 141min avi source. I expected blocky crap, but ended up being pleasantly suprised. Itīs not as good as with DVD source, but anyway...

Filters used: Deen, Blur and Masktools
Encoder: Nuenc 0.21 (1 pass)
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05-23-2005, 01:59 PM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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I guess you used 352x240 for resolution ? What max video bitrate did you set ?

For the blocks, avi sources do not do everytime more blocks than DVD. But as the Divx and Xvid codecs smooth the surfaces, then you have more possibility to have DCT blocks in the plain color areas than if you encode directly the original source.

The result is generally crappy because Divx/Xvid introduce also a lot a color and frequencies artifacts that are magnified by the mpeg2 encoding. Starting with a good source lead to correct result, but as you said, not at the quality level than you have with a DVD.

Note: I never used a script with masktool, can you post it ?
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05-23-2005, 02:08 PM
Prodater64 Prodater64 is offline
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Originally Posted by Spotteri
I just had a pleasant surprise . Usually I make KVCDs out of DVD sources but this time I had to use an 141min avi source. I expected blocky crap, but ended up being pleasantly suprised. Itīs not as good as with DVD source, but anyway...

Filters used: Deen, Blur and Masktools
Encoder: Nuenc 0.21 (1 pass)
We all know already what powerfull is KVCD matrix + avisynth filtering.
As your said, it is not so good as with DVD sources, and in most cases, when people don't know what are they doing, and obtain a crap result, they give culp to KVCD.
For this reason, Administrator and Mod's did decide, some time ago, don't speak in this forum about avi sources of commercial films, as that mean almost always, recompression that ends with crap KVCD's or illegal stuff (I really don't think that you encode to avi just to test how is final KVCD, but I give you doubt benefit).
Only is allowed to talk about avis from high quality captures (huffyuv lossless or another codecs without quality loss).
Any further technical comment and I will have to close this thread, sorry.
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05-24-2005, 04:18 AM
Spotteri Spotteri is offline
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Oh. Sorry about that. I knew about the forums policy on AVI-KVCD conversion, and that is why I left out the technical part (scripts and all...). I just thought that it woun't matter if it was only a report on surprising success and fine encoder.

Anyway...thanks for not deleting the post on the spot. I'll know better next time
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